Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Binge – Drinking to get drunk: Influences on young adult drinking behaviours

By Alcohol Concern (2012)

Alcohol Concern and Balance, the North East Alcohol Office, collaborated to consult 1,000 young people aged 16-24 years across the UK about what defines and influences their age group’s relationship to alcohol. Price and promotion are identified as important influences on ‘binge’ drinking in the UK.

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CMO annual report: volume one, 2011 ' On the state of the public's health'

By Department of Health (2012)

The Chief Medical Officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, has produced a data rich surveillance report on the state of the English public’s health. The full report has been broken up by chapter for easier access to specific sections of the report.

Click here to view this report


Focus on diabetes

By National Institute for Health Research (2012)

To showcase the ground-breaking work that top researchers are doing to tackle diabetes, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has launched an online resource.

Click here to visit this website

Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs

The minimal evidence for minimal pricing: the fatal flaws in the Sheffield alcohol policy model

By the Adam Smith Research Trust (2012)

This report assesses the Sheffield alcohol policy model which forms the basis for the minimum alcohol pricing policy. It highlights a number of limitations and concerns around the model.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Library

Securing equity and excellence in commissioning specialised services

By NHS Commissioning Board (2012)

This operating model sets out how a single, national system will ensure patients are offered consistent, high quality services across the country. Alongside the specialised intentions document, it signposts a clear move away from regional commissioning to a single national approach to both commissioning and contracting.

Click here to view this operating model

Infant Feeding

'It should be the most natural thing in the world': exploring first-time mothers' breastfeeding difficulties in the UK

Williamson, I. et al. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 2012; 8(4): 434-437

In this paper, we use interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore the experiences of eight British first-time mothers who struggled with breastfeeding in the early post-partum period. Participants kept audio-diary accounts of their infant feeding experiences across a 7-day period immediately following the birth of their infant and took part in related semi-structured interviews a few days after completion of the diary. The overarching theme identified was of a tension between the participants’ lived, embodied experience of struggling to breastfeed and the cultural construction of breastfeeding as ‘natural’ and trouble-free. Participants reported particular difficulties interpreting the pain they experienced during feeds and their emerging maternal identities were threatened, often fluctuating considerably from feed to feed. We discuss some of the implications for breastfeeding promotion and argue for greater awareness and understanding of breastfeeding difficulties so that breastfeeding women are less likely to interpret these as a personal shortcoming in a manner which disempowers them. We also advocate the need to address proximal and distal influences around the breastfeeding dyad and, in particular, to consider the broader cultural context in the UK where breastfeeding is routinely promoted yet often constructed as a shameful act if performed in the public arena.

Please contact your locall NHS health library to request this article (NHS staff only)

CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease Stroke

A cluster randomized trial to assess the effect of clinical pathways for patients with stroke: results of the clinical pathways for effective and appropriate care study

Panella, M. et al. BMC Medicine, 2012: 10:71

Clinical pathways (CPs) are used to improve the outcomes of acute stroke, but their use in stroke care is questionable, because the evidence on their effectiveness is still inconclusive. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether CPs improve the outcomes and the quality of care provided to patients after acute ischemic stroke.

Click here to view this full text article

Children Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Value

Interventions for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in children aged 5 years and under

By Cochrane Library (Novemebr 2012)

The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and associated adverse events of interventions designed to increase the consumption of fruit and/or vegetables amongst children aged five years and under.

Click here to view this systemmatic review


End of Life Care General Practice Library

Finding your 1%: helping GPs to support people to live and die well

By National End of Life Care Programme (November 2012)

This resource pack has been developed to be a practical tool to help GPs identify those patients who may be in their last year of life and talk to them about their preferences. It contains information on: identifying people at the end of life; having end of life care conversations; putting plans in place; managing and co-ordinating care; and space for GPs to include local information such as the telephone numbers of hospices, palliative care teams and pharmacies which stock palliative care drugs.

Click here to view this resource pack


Cancer Integrated Care Patient Satisfaction

Patients' experience of integrated care

By Cancer Campaigning Group (Novemebr 2012)

This report highlights the need for improvements in integrated care for cancer patients and calls for greater assessment of the experience of patients and carers when developing solutions and improvements. Five key areas where patients thought improvements could be made to deliver integrated care were: securing quicker referral from GPs to hospitals for testing and diagnosis; ensuring patients find out the results of their tests as quickly as possible; providing patients with access to a named clinical nurse specialist or other ‘key worker’ throughout the care pathway; supporting patients to feel involved in key decisions about their treatment and care; and putting systems in place to make sure records and test results are available to all clinicians and staff involved in patients’ care.

Click here to view this report