Cancer Patient Experience Quality

Improving the experience of care for cancer patients

By NHS Improving Quality (2014)

This introductory guide aims to help cancer teams and professionals at all levels within a Trust to drive continual improvement in patient experience, using tried and tested tools and techniques.

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Cancer Quality Well-Being

Stratified cancer pathways: redesigning services for those living with or beyond cancer

By NHS Improving Quality (2013)

The incidence of cancer in England is increasing, but so are survival rates. By 2030 there are likely to be over 3 million people in England living with or beyond their cancer (National Cancer Survivorship Initiative 2012). As a result, there is growing demand for cancer aftercare services. Routine 1- to 5-year follow-up of cancer survivors within the NHS costs approximately £250 million a year from an annual £6 billion budget.

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Healthy Settings Quality

Quality improvement made simple: what everyone should know about quality improvement. 2nd ed.

By The Health Foundation (August 2013)

The revised edition offers a clear explanation of some common approaches used to improve quality, including where they have come from, their underlying principles and their efficacy and applicability within the healthcare arena. It looks in particular at what are known as organisational or industrial approaches to quality improvement. These aim to bring about a measurable improvement by applying specific methods within a healthcare setting.

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