Recent Literature Search Requests

Below are a list of search questions I have recently received from Public Health Lancashire and Blackburn. If you would like me to send you any of the results listed below then please email me.

Baby wearing/attachment and positive effects on brain development
Bowel Cancer screening uptake amongst south Asian community and the inequalities relating to this data
How effective are local planning restrictions for new food retail outlets (in addition to hot food takeaways) in defined areas, on reducing levels of childhood obesity?
How ‘the Grossman effect’ effects health inequalities especially in more deprived areas for any health promotion programmes during the early years ages 0-5 years.
We are looking at any research already done which could allow us to estimate prevalence of disability/SEND as a result of consanguinity/close relative marriage.
Prevalence of vaping companies and sponsorship deals/arrangements
Evidence around joint assessments between ED & Mental Health
Toothbrushing and deprivation as well as barriers and facilitators of toothbrushing
Best practice in ensuring continuity of care when moving people between care homes due to closure.
Improving quality of care in care homes.