Alcohol exercise General Practice Healthy Settings Mortality Oral Health Physical Activity Smoking Cessation Tobacco & Drugs

Going the Distance: Exercise professionals in the wider public health workforce

By Royal Society for Public Health (2018)

This report, written with ukactive, explores how fitness professionals can play an enhanced role in supporting the public’s health. It calls for GP drop-in and smoking cessation services inside gyms and leisure centres to help ease pressure on local health facilities and improve access to health improvement services.

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General Practice Licensing Patient Choice Patient Satisfaction Planning Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Exploring patient choice in GP services

By Monitor (2014)

The report presents the findings of a review into how GP services are working for patients, with a specific focus on the role of choice and competition. The review drew on a variety of sources of evidence; a commissioned survey of 3,200 patients, interviews with 25 GP providers and spoke to and gathered information from NHS England, CQC and other stakeholders.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Primary care co-commissioning: a survey of members' views of their CCG and its role in primary care

By The King’s Fund (2015)

This slidepack presents the key findings from a survey of GPs in six CCGs. The survey explored members’ views of their CCG and its role in primary care. It was conducted by the Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund as part of a three year project, looking to understand how the CCGs at the heart of the NHS reforms are developing.

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Community General Practice Licensing Patient Satisfaction Planning Secondary Care

Moving services out of hospital: joining up General Practice and community services?

By Policy Research Unit in Commissioning and the Healthcare System (PRUComm) (2014)

This report summarises the findings of a rapid review undertaken by PRUComm of the available evidence of what factors should be taken into account in planning for the closer working of primary and community health/care services in order to increase the scope of services provided outside of hospitals. This report was commissioned by the Department of Health to provide background evidence to support policy development on primary and community health care integration.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Licensing Planning

Risk or reward: the changing role of CCGs in General Practice

By The King’s Fund & Nuffield Trust (2015)

This report, written jointly with the Nuffield Trust, finds that CCGs risk becoming unsustainable without changes to the way they attract leaders and adequate funding to help them expand their remit. The report also highlights concerns that changes to the way primary care is commissioned in England; waning levels of engagement from GPs with a formal role in CCGs; and cuts to CCG management budgets means these bodies risk becoming unsustainable.

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Care of the Elderly Commissioning Community General Practice Guidance

Fir for Frailty: Guidance for GPs, Geriatricians, Health Service managers, social service managers and commissioners of services

By The British Geriatrics Society (2015)

Part 1 – Consensus best practice guidance for the care of older people living with frailty in community and outpatient settings

Click here to view part 1

Part 2 – Developing, commissioning and managing services for people living with frailty in community settings

Click here to view part 2

Commissioning General Practice Mental Health Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health

Choice in mental health care: guidance on implementing patients legal rights to choose the provider and team for their mental health care

By NHS England (2014)

This guidance aims to help commissioners, GPs and providers support mental health patients exercising their legal rights to choose who provides their care and treatment. This guidance has been updated to reflect suggestions from consultation which highlighted the need for further clarity and it also includes a set of clinical scenarios to illustrate how mental health patients’ legal rights should work in practice.

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General Practice Healthy Settings Patient Experience Primary Care Commissioning

An inquiry into patient centred care in the 21st century: implications for general practice and primary care

By Royal College of General Practitioners (2014)

This inquiry concluded that clinicians must work with patients in a different way, providing personalised care and empowering patients to play an active role in managing their health. The report also calls for a shift in the way that general practice is delivered, so that practices come together as federations or networks and work with a range of other services to deliver coordinated and proactive care in the community.

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Depression General Practice Long-Term Conditions Medicines Management Public Mental Health

Focus on: antidepressant prescribing: trends in the prescribing of antidepressants in primary care

By The Nuffield Trust (2014)

This research, conducted jointly between The Nuffield Trust and The Health Foundation, reveals that the financial crisis and subsequent recession saw a significant acceleration in the numbers of antidepressants prescribed by GPs. This striking increase is despite the incidence of depression having risen much more slowly over the same time period, meaning that either antidepressants were heavily under-prescribed in 1998, or they are heavily overprescribed now.

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Children General Practice Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Integrated Care Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Opening the door to better healthcare: a snapshot of innovations in primary and first access care for children and young people

By The National Children’s Bureau (2014)

This report discusses some of the innovations being taken forward by GPs and others to improve children’s access to and experience of primary care. It also includes examples of broader multi-professional collaboration and innovation to ensure that more children with minor ailments are treated in the right place at the right time.

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