
UK Chief Medical Officers' low risk drinking guidelines

By Public Health England (2016)

These guidelines, produced by the four UK chief medical officers, provide the most up to date scientific information to help people make informed decisions about their own drinking. The guidelines have been tested through public consultation and market research to ensure the advice is as clear and useable as possible.

Click here to view these guidelines


STPs – early areas of action

By 38 Degrees (2016)

38 Degrees commissioned Incisive Health to review all publicly available documents on sustainability and transformation plans (STPs). This report brings together all the available information and identifies key emerging themes in the plans. It identifies the NHS deficit as a key driver of some of the measures outlined within STP footprint plans, alongside service transformation to support quality improvement. 

Click here to view this report


What the planning guidance means for the NHS

By The King’s Fund (2016)

This briefing, while by no means comprehensive, attempts to consider these key
publications in the round (although focusing primarily on the planning guidance),
alongside other recent policy announcements, to form a picture of what it might all add up to for the NHS in 2016/17 and beyond.

Click here to view this briefing


Sustainability and transformation plans

by The King’s Fund (2016)

The NHS shared planning guidance 16/17 – 20/21 outlines a new approach to help ensure that health and care services are planned by place rather than around individual organisations. Every health and care system needs to produce a sustainability and transformation plan (STP), showing how local services will work together to improve the quality of care, their population’s health and wellbeing and NHS finances. Here we pull together our resources and support related to STPs.

Click here to view this webpage


Reshaping the workforce to deliver the care patients need

By The Nuffield Trust (2016)

Having the right number of appropriately skilled staff is a critical determinant of the quality and efficiency of health care. Yet there is a growing gap between patient needs and the skills and knowledge of the workforce that cares for them. This report, which was commissioned by NHS Employers, gives practical guidance to those wishing to reshape their workforce; identifies key enablers and obstacles to change, with lessons for local leaders; and provides recommendations for national and local bodies about key actions to support change. The report draws on a review of relevant literature, interviews with a wide range of stakeholders, a survey of local Health Education England leaders and a number of short case studies.

Click here to view this research report


How are Sustainability and Transformation plans coming together?

By The Nuffield Trust (2016)

Click here to read Nigel Edwards Blog

Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Safeguarding Well-Being

Not seen, not heard: A review of the arrangements for child safeguarding and health care for looked after children in England

By CQC (2016)

This report looks at how effective health services are in providing early help to children in need, the health and wellbeing of looked-after children and how these services identify and protect children at risk of harm. It concludes that health professionals have improved the way they assess risk and recognise safeguarding concerns, but that services are not consistently protecting and promoting the health and welfare of children. It urges a whole system response to do more to listen to and involve children in need in their care.

Click here to view this report

Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Mental Health Public Mental Health

Best start in life: promoting good emotional wellbeing and mental health for children and young people

By Local Government Association (2016)

Tackling mental illness in children should begin before they are born, at a time when expectant mothers can suffer mental health problems, this report suggests. It says that early interactions and experiences directly affect how a child’s brain develops and concludes it is vital that intervention is made at this critical stage to reduce the chances of mental illness developing in children.

Click here to view this report

Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Local Government Planning

Supporting integration through new roles and working across boundaries

By The King’s Fund (2016)

This report looks at the evidence on new roles and ways of spanning organisational workforce boundaries to deliver integrated health and social care. Commissioned by NHS Employers and the Local Government Association, it finds increasing focus on roles which facilitate co-ordination and management of care, development of existing roles to increase the skill-mix and enable the provision of more holistic care, and a limited number of truly innovative roles, the most notable being care navigators and community facilitators, enablers or link workers. Given that many of the skills required for integrated care already exist within the workforce, it suggests the central question is how to use those skills more effectively to support boundary-spanning activities.

Click here to view this report


Evidence-informed public health