CCGs Commissioning Library

Supporting planning for 2013/14 for Direct Commissioning

By NHS Commissioning Board (January 2013)

This document describes the processes that will be used to support planning for the next financial year. It aims to support the NHS Commissioning Board’s national, regional and area teams to ensure that every plan is as strong as it can be, by designing an approach that achieves national consistency and improves quality and equity of access to services. This should be in the context of local priorities and in conjunction with CCGs and local health and wellbeing boards.

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CCGs Commissioning Library

Quality in the new health system: maintaining and improving quality from April 2013

By NHS Commissioning Board (Januray 2013)

This final report from the National Quality Board sets out how quality will be maintained and improved in the new health system. It focuses predominantly on how the new system should prevent, identify and respond to serious failures in quality.

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Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity

Walking and cycling

By NICE (January 2013)

This briefing summarises NICE’s recommendations for local authorities and partner organisations on walking and cycling. It is relevant to many areas of local authority work, including the development of local plans, core strategies and joint health and wellbeing strategies, including several areas highlighted in the Public Health Outcomes Framework.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity

Behaviour change

By NICE (January 2013)

This briefing summarises NICE’s recommendations for local authorities and partner organisations on the general principles that should be used when considering the commissioning, planning, content and evaluation of initiatives to support behaviour change at individual, community and population levels. Behaviour change interventions are coordinated sets of activities that seek to change specific health-related behaviours.

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Integrated Care Library

Leading networks in healthcare: learning about what works-the theory and the practice

By Health Foundation (January 2013)

In 2011, the Health Foundation launched an improvement programme to support networks in healthcare. It linked selected networks with a faculty of experts, and with each other, to provide an exchange of ideas, advice, support and training in network leadership and development. This report captures the experiences of the programme participants as they began working together; highlights key learning and early insights; and examines how all this relates to what the research evidence tells us about running networks. It also provides an informal overview of the literature on networks and a glossary of commonly used network terms.

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Information overload: tackling bureaucracy in the NHS

By NHS Confederation (January 2013)

The NHS Confederation has for many years emphasised the need to tackle the bureaucratic burden in the NHS. But our members are still often asked for unnecessary information, to give the same information multiple times, or to gather data in poorly designed and cumbersome formats.This paper assesses progress since our 2009 report,  sets out where the risks of new burdens may lie, identifies what should be done now and suggests issues for discussion.

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CCGs Commissioning Library

Commissioning guidance for specialist palliative care: helping to deliver commissioning objectives

By National Council for Palliative Care et al. (2012)

This guidance aims to provide commissioners with the key information that they need to help them commission specialist palliative care, as a specific component of the whole spectrum of palliative and end of life care service provision.

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Progress in making NHS efficiency savings

By the National Audit Office (2012)

“The NHS has made a good start in making substantial efficiency savings in the first year of the four-year period when it needs to achieve savings of up to £20 billion. To build on these savings and keep pace with the growing demand for healthcare, it will need to change the way health services are provided and to do so more quickly.”

Amyas Morse, head of the National Audit Office, 13 December 2012

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Nutrition Obesity

Action on obesity: comprehensive care for all

By Royal College of Physicians (2013)

This report outlines the issues around obesity in the UK, including the variations in treatment across the country, the related health issues, and the wider impact on public health. It sets out recommendations on how the NHS could adapt to meet the demands of an increasingly obese nation.

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Library Value

Improving the use of medicines for better outcomes and reduced waste: an action plan

By the Steering Group on Improving the Use of Medicines (2012)

This report looks at ways of improving the use of medicines and tackling avoidable wastage in primary and community care, secondary care, and in care homes and end of life care. It also looks at how patients can be better engaged in decisions about their medicines as well as how information can be better provided to patients and health and care professionals. The action plan outlines how best practice could be shared across the NHS in the future.

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