Francis Inquiry Guidance Library Patient Safety

Guiding principles for sharing information on healthcare workers

By NHS Employers (January 2013)

Guidance for employers in relation to the sharing of relevant information about the conduct or performance of a healthcare worker where there is an identified risk to public and/or patient safety.
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Setting priorities in health

By The Nuffield Trust (2011)

This report forms part of the Nuffield Trust’s programme of work on health system efficiency, for we feel strongly that with the NHS facing the most significant financial challenge in its history, a robust evidence base is needed to help inform the difficult decisions that will need to be made by clinicians, managers and policy-makers.

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Children Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Young People

Children and young people's health and wellbeing in changing times: shaping the future and improving outcomes

By NHS Institute (January 2013)

The purpose of this report is to support implementation of the health reforms to improve children and young people’s health and wellbeing. It makes key recommendations and provides support and evidence to national government and bodies, and local organisations and professionals. It shares best practice of where local areas are innovating effectively to improve health outcomes. The report builds on the findings of the CYPHO Forum’s report and urges the Government and national and local bodies to take action in key areas.

Click here to view this report

Library Minority Groups Social Care

The barriers to choice review: how are people using choice in public services?

By The Cabinet Office (January 2013)

This review examines whether people use the choices that they have been offered in public services and in particular, how much these choices are used and valued by the disadvantaged. As part of this review, take up of choice in health and social care was investigated.

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CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library Local Government Third Sector

Influencing local commissioning for health and care: guidance for the voluntary and community sector

By Regional Voices (January 2013)

This guidance is intended to support the voluntary and community sector in understanding and influencing health and wellbeing boards. It gives an overview of health and wellbeing boards, joint strategic needs assessments and joint health and wellbeing strategies and the role of the voluntary sector.

Click here to view this guidance

Guidance Library

Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices

By General Medical Council (January 2013)

This guidance strengthens and broadens the current advice on prescribing medicines to include medical devices and gives key updates on using unlicensed medicines.

Click here to view this guidance

Public Mental Health Social Media

E-mental health: what's all the fuss about?

By Mental Health Network NHS Confederation (January 2013)

This paper looks at how the mental health sector could make the most of opportunities offered by e-mental health. It also gives examples of how service users, mental health providers and other organisations are already embracing e-mental health to bring about change.

Click  here to view this briefing

CCGs Commissioning Community Library Secondary Care

Study of the use of contractual mechanisms in commissioning

By Policy Research Unit in Commissioning and the Healthcare System (PRUComm) (December 2012)

This interim report presents findings from research into how commissioners negotiate, specify, monitor, and manage contractual mechanisms to improve services and allocate financial risk in their local health economies, looking at both acute services and community health care.

Click here to view this report



Equity in health: interactive atlases

By WHO (2013)

These atlases are a tool to assess inequalities in social determinants of health, as well as the resources, outputs, outcomes and effects of health care at the subnational level in countries of the EU, candidate countries and some other countries. WHO has updated the atlases with the most recent data available from the EUROSTAT database in November 2012.

Click here to view these atlases

Alcohol Illegal Drugs Local Government Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

Tackling drugs and alcohol: local government's new public health role

By Local Government Association (January 2013)

This briefing for councillors and officers explains the challenges facing councils and the opportunities they have to tackle drug and alcohol problems and reduce health inequalities in local communities.

Click here to view this briefing