Francis Inquiry Healthy Settings Library

Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust public inquiry: government response

By Department of Health (November 2013)

The government has published a full response to the 290 recommendations made by Robert Francis, following the public inquiry in to the failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. This follows the government’s initial response in February 2013, which included the introduction of a new hospital inspection regime and legislation for a duty of candour on NHS organisations so they have to be open with families and patients when things go wrong.
NHS England has highlighted the significant work it is leading to improve the safety of patients as part of a co-ordinated response to the Francis Report.
Actions on safety and openness include: transparent, monthly reporting of ward-by-ward staffing levels and other safety measures quarterly reporting of complaints data and lessons learned by trusts along with better reporting of safety incidents a statutory duty of candour on providers, and professional duty of candour on individuals, through changes to professional codes a new national patient safety programme across England to spread best practice and build safety skills across the country and 5,000 patient safety fellows will be trained and appointed in 5 years trusts to be liable if they have not been open with a patient a dedicated hospital safety website to be developed for the public.

Click here to view this response