Public Mental Health

The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness: annual report England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

By University of Manchester’s National Confidential Inquiry into Homicide and Suicide by People with Mental Illness (NCI) (2012)

This annual report examined homicide and suicide figures for all four countries of the United Kingdom among mental health patients and found in-patient suicides have shown a sustained fall across all countries. In contrast, the number of suicides by patients receiving home treatment services (also known as crisis-resolution services) has increased. The report shows that in 2009 there were 195 suicides by patients treated at home in England, compared to 84 in-patient suicide deaths. Overall, the number of people under home treatment services has increased over recent years and the number of people admitted to in-patient care has decreased. The NCI report recommends mental health services make home-treatment teams a priority for suicide prevention.

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