General Practice Library

The evaluation of the electronic prescription service in primary care

By UCL School of Pharmacy (2012)

The Evaluation of the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) in Primary Care is is an evaluation of a system being introduced by the NHS and primary care computer system suppliers into all primary care community pharmacies and GP practices in England.

The system aims to allow electronic transmission of prescriptions from GP practices to community pharmacies, and also to enable community pharmacies to submit electronic claims for prescription items dispensed to patients to the remuneration agency, NHS Prescription Services.

The report covers the very early stages of the roll-out of the EPS programme. Researchers from the UCL School of Pharmacy, the University of Nottingham and LSE worked with seven pairs of community pharmacies and GP practices that were participating in the testing of the system, out of a population of around 10,000 community pharmacies and 8,000 GP practices.

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