Children Commissioning Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Sexual Health Young People

Developing strong relationships and supporting positive sexual health

By Department of Health (2014)

This guidance supports effective commissioning of school nursing services to provide public health for school aged children. It also explains how local school nursing services can be used and improved to meet local needs.

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Children Commissioning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Maximising the school nursing team contribution to the public health of school-aged children: Guidance to support the commissioning of public health provision for school aged children aged 5-19

By Department of Health (2014)

This guidance supports effective commissioning of school nursing services to provide public health for school aged children. It also explains how local school nursing services can be used and improved to meet local needs.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

CCGs one year on: member engagement and primary care development

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This slideshow presents the results of a survey of GPs in six CCG areas which investigated the experiences of member of CCGs over their first year. Whilst less than half of the GPs surveyed felt that decisions made by CCGs reflected their views, the research also suggests that three times as many GPs think that they can influence the work of their CCG than they could their predecessors, PCTs. The survey is an interim finding from ongoing work between The King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust to understand how CCGs are developing.

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Care of the Elderly Licensing Patient Safety Patient Satisfaction Planning

Making our health and care systems fit for an aging population

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This report sets out a framework and tools to help local service leaders improve the care they provide for older people across nine key components. Within each component of care, the report sets out the goal the system should aim for, presents key evidence about works, gives examples of local innovations, and some pointers to major reviews and relevant guidance. It argues that if the health and care systems can get services right for our older population – those with the highest complexity, activity, spend, variability, and use of multiple services – they should be easier to get it right for other service users.

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Children CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Immunisation Infant Mortality Licensing Planning Safeguarding seasonal mortality) Young People

Evaluation of vaccine uptake during the 2013 MMR catch-up campaign in England

By Public Health England (2014)

This report finds that in the first 3 months of 2013 there was an increase in number of cases of measles in England compared to previous years, which was most marked among 10 to 16 year-olds. A national catch-up campaign was launched in April 2013 with the objective of ensuring that 95% of children aged 10 to 16 years received at least one dose of MMR vaccine by 30 September 2013.

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Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Licensing Planning seasonal mortality)

Community services: how they can transform care

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This paper looks at the changes needed to realise the full potential of community services for transforming care. It finds that while the emphasis on moving care closer to home has resulted in some reductions in length of hospital stay, it is now time to focus on the bigger issue of how services need to change to fundamentally transform care.

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Care of the Elderly Healthy Settings Licensing Local Government Planning Social Care

Care and support reform implementation

By Local Government Association (2014)

Catering for the health and care needs of our growing and ageing population is a national priority. Reforming our care and support system is vital for us to be able to meet this challenge. The Local Government Association (LGA), Association of Directors and Adult Social Services (ADASS) and Department of Health are working in partnership to support local areas in implementation of the care and support reforms in the context of the other changes and challenges for local health and care systems, including the Better Care Fund.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings Library Licensing Planning Value

One person: one team: one system: report of the independent commission on whole person care

By Sir John Oldham, Chair of the Independent Commission on Whole Person Care (2014)

The emphasis of this report is recommendations for
an incoming Government in 2015. They are built on
three themes: giving meaningful power to people
using the health and care system; reorienting the
whole system around the true needs of the population
in the 21st century; and, addressing the biases in the
established system that prevent necessary change
happening. For too long health and social care have
been considered separately. They are inextricably
linked. However we do not believe the answer includes
yet another major structural reform at this time. The
scale of recent reforms so damaged the NHS and care
system that we believe it would not survive intact from
a further dose of structural change. We are not saying
that the current structures are right, or that they won’t
need to change in the future – they aren’t and they
on national organisations. However, relationships and
culture trump structures. We should not focus now on
what the structures are, but the relationships among
them, the people who work in them, and what they do.
This is the essence of care and what really matters.
These changes may not be as tangible and headline
grabbing as scrapping and creating organisations.
Arguably they are, taken together, more radical.

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Healthy Settings Licensing Planning Well-Being

Sustainable, resilient, healthy people and places: a sustainable development strategy for the NHS, Public Health and Social Care System

By Public Health England (2014)

This strategy aims to show how the health and care system can join forces to adapt for a more sustainable future while potentially saving millions of pounds. It features reducing carbon emissions, protecting natural resources, preparing communities for severe weather events and promoting healthy lifestyles and environments. Organisations are being encouraged to develop a local strategy, measure their success with regular reporting, and evaluate their progress as well as joining up with local Health and Wellbeing Boards.

Click here to view this strategy

Healthy Settings Licensing Planning

Implementing NICE public health guidance for the workplace: a national organisational audit of NHS trusts in England

By Royal College of Physicians (2014)

This report finds that all trusts have a sickness absence policy and three-quarters have one for smoking cessation, but only 57% have one for mental wellbeing, 44% for physical activity and only 28% have an obesity plan. It also finds that where plans are in place, staff were usually involved in their production and the board in sign-off. In 2010 many trusts said they had plans in development; some trusts now have these in place but a significant number do not.

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