Accident Prevention Community Safety Learning Disabilities Prison Health Public Mental Health

The Bradley Report five years on: an independent review of progress to date and priorities for further development

By Centre for Mental Health (2014)

The Bradley Report was a six-month independent commission which reviewed the extent to which offenders with mental health problems or learning disabilities could be diverted from prison. This report looks at what has happened in the five years since the Bradley Report was published. It finds that there has been concerted action to improve support for people with mental health problems and those with learning difficulties in the criminal justice system, but this will need to be sustained for at least another five years to put the vision into practice nationwide.

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Depression General Practice Long-Term Conditions Medicines Management Public Mental Health

Focus on: antidepressant prescribing: trends in the prescribing of antidepressants in primary care

By The Nuffield Trust (2014)

This research, conducted jointly between The Nuffield Trust and The Health Foundation, reveals that the financial crisis and subsequent recession saw a significant acceleration in the numbers of antidepressants prescribed by GPs. This striking increase is despite the incidence of depression having risen much more slowly over the same time period, meaning that either antidepressants were heavily under-prescribed in 1998, or they are heavily overprescribed now.

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Public Mental Health Social Care Well-Being

Core common principles to support good mental health and wellbeing in adult social care

By Skills for Care (2014)

These principles aim to help staff working in social care services know how to support and promote good mental health and overall wellbeing for everyone who uses those services. It also provides guidance for leaders and managers, training and education leads, and commissioners to develop a workforce that can support good mental health for people needing care and support.

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Children Commissioning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Well-Being

Promoting emotional well-being and positive mental health of children and young people

By Department of Health (2014)

This guidance supports effective commissioning of school nursing services to provide public health for school aged children. It also explains how local school nursing services can be used and improved to meet local needs.

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Public Mental Health

The future of mental health

By NHS Confederation (2014)

This paper discusses what challenges mental health services face and what these challenges might mean for the future of the nation’s mental health.

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Cancer Care of the Elderly Commissioning CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Respiratory Disease

Mapping the market II: commissioning support services

By NHS England (2014)

Mapping the Market II: Commissioning Support Services, is a sixty-page report that showcases services for clinical commissioners offered by voluntary sector organisations (VSOs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The publication, launched at a reception at the NHS Expo in Manchester, contains 12 in-depth interviews with VSO leaders from charities such as MacMillan Cancer Support, Alzheimer’s Society and Turning Point.
It also features a further 15 interviews with SME leaders from organisations such as Dr. Associates and Outcomes Based Healthcare, resulting in the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to the commissioning support market for anyone involved in commissioning healthcare in the UK.

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Good Practice Public Mental Health

Mental health crisis care concordat: improving outcomes for people experiencing mental health crisis

By Department of Health (2014)

The document sets out the principles and good practice that should be followed by health staff, police officers and approved mental health professionals when working together to help people in a mental health crisis. It follows the refreshed Mandate for NHS England, which includes a new requirement for the NHS that “every community has plans to ensure no one in mental health crisis will be turned away from health services”.

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Healthy Settings Public Mental Health Well-Being

Wellbeing: why it matters to health policy

By the Department of Health (2014)

These documents contain evidence on why wellbeing matters to health throughout someone’s life, and what policy makers can do about it.

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Public Mental Health Suicide

Key facts and trends in mental health

By NHS Confederation (2014)

The factsheet gives an overview of the major trends and challenges facing mental health services today. Compiled from a wide range of sources, the factsheet sets out data in a range of areas relating to investment in services trends in morbidity; suicide and homicide rates; service activity; use of mental health legislation; mental health of children and young people; service user experience; inequalities experienced by people with mental health problems; and workforce and staff satisfaction.

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Public Mental Health

Monitoring the mental health act in 2012/13

By Care Quality Commission (2014)

This annual report into the use of the Mental Health Act provides an insight into the experiences of patients who received care under the act throughout 2012/13. It highlights five key areas which CQC will examine following the results of this report: community care; reporting on death; emergency and mental health crisis; involving people who use services; and investigating complaints relating to the use of the Mental Health Act.

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