CCGs Commissioning Library

Commissioning guidance for specialist palliative care: helping to deliver commissioning objectives

By National Council for Palliative Care et al. (2012)

This guidance aims to provide commissioners with the key information that they need to help them commission specialist palliative care, as a specific component of the whole spectrum of palliative and end of life care service provision.

Click here to access this document

CCGs Commissioning Library

Outcomes benchmarking support packs: LA level: Lancashire

By NHS Commissioning Board (2012)

These information packs set out key data at local authority and CCG level to inform the local position on outcomes. The local authority level packs present high level comparative information on the NHS, the adult social care and the public health frameworks. The CCG level packs provide a more detailed analysis of NHS outcomes and other relevant indicators.

Click here to view Lancashire’s data

Click here to view data list of all local authorities

CCGs Commissioning Finance Library

A decade of austerity? the funding pressures facing the NHS from 2010/11 to 2021/22

By The Nuffield Trust (2012)

This report highlights the funding challenges facing the NHS and social care system in England over the next decade. It focuses on the portion of the total NHS budget in England that is currently spent by PCTs on commissioning services for the population of England, which makes up around 80% of the total budget for the NHS in England. It also examines funding pressures on social care services, and examines options for achieving the current QIPP challenge of £20 billion in productivity savings by 2014/15.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Library

Securing equity and excellence in commissioning specialised services

By NHS Commissioning Board (2012)

This operating model sets out how a single, national system will ensure patients are offered consistent, high quality services across the country. Alongside the specialised intentions document, it signposts a clear move away from regional commissioning to a single national approach to both commissioning and contracting.

Click here to view this operating model

CCGs Commissioning Library

Exploring the early workings of emerging Clinical Commissioning Groups: Final report

By Policy Research Unit (September 2012)

This report presents the findings from a study of developing Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in England. It explores the early experiences of emerging CCGs as they set themselves up as ‘pathfinders’ and moved towards authorisation, investigating the factors that had affected their development and looking at lessons for the future. The specific research questions addressed in this report cover: the experiences of pathfinder CCGs over the past year; factors which have affected progress and development; and approaches taken to being a membership organisation, developing external relationships, and commissioning and contracting.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Learning Disabilities Public Mental Health

Equally accessible? Making mental health services more accessible for learning disabled or autistic people

By Mental Health Network NHS Confederation (November 2012)

This paper reports findings from a study which found that people with autism or learning disabilities can suffer double the amount of setbacks if they need mental health support. It calls on providers and commissioners of mental health services to better accommodate the mental health needs of people with autism or learning disabilities.

Click here to view this briefing

CCGs Commissioning Library

The Mandate: a mandate from the Government to the NHS Commissioning Board: April 2013-March 2015

By Department of Health (November 2012)

This mandate is the first between the government and the NHS Commissioning Board. It sets out the ambitions for the health service for the next two years. It will be used to measure the NHS on key objectives, including: better standards of care for elderly patients; better diagnosis, treatment and care for people with dementia; more personalised care for women throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period; gathering of patient feedback through the friends and family test; online booking and other GP services by 2015; and greater transparency around the performance of local NHS services.

Click here to view this document

CCGs Commissioning Good Practice Guidance Library Value

Standards for members of NHS boards and clinical commissioning group governing bodies in England

By Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence (November 2012)

These standards, which apply to NHS England, cover three domains: personal behaviour, technical competence, and business practices, and put compassion and respect at the heart of NHS leadership.They were developed through extensive engagement with NHS board members, experts in leadership and management, and patients and the public. We also spoke to many organisations with an interest in the work, such as NHS Employers, the Institute for Healthcare Management, and the King’s Fund.

Click here t0 view these standards

CCGs Library

NHS better care, better value indicators

By the Institute for Innovation & Improvment (2012)

The Better Care, Better Value Indicators have been updated to include GP practice level data for the commissioning indicators. 

The tool includes:

  • create your own practice peer group 
  • compare your practice performance with PCT, CCG and peer practices
  • view a timeline of your performance across 12 months

Click here to view this tool

CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library

Integrated ambulance commissioning in the new NHS

By NHS Confederation (2012)

This briefing explains how ambulance commissioning currently works for clinical commissioners who may be new to this area. It is designed to support the smooth and efficient transition of ambulance commissioning responsibilities from PCTs to CCGs.

Click here to view this briefing