change Library

Large-system transformation in healthcare: a realist review

Best, A. et al. The Millbank Quarterly, 2012; 90 (3): 421-456

Realist review methodology can be applied in combination with a complex system lens on published literature to produce a knowledge synthesis
that informs a prospective change effort in large-system transformation.
A collaborative process engaging both research producers and research users
contributes to local applications of universal principles and mid-range theories,
as well as to a more robust knowledge base for applied research. We conclude
with suggestions for the future development of synthesis and evaluation

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CCGs Commissioning Library Value

Identifying "value opportunities" in local commissioning

By Right Care (September 2012)

This case study from West Cheshire PCT and CCGs demonstrates the use of Right Care principles to identify service improvements that can generate savings for re-investment, service quality, and outcomes improvements. It combines the use of spend and outcome tools, analysis of variation, and programme budgeting with service reviews and business process engineering techniques to deliver reform, innovation and efficiency proposals. £7 million was generated across three service areas in one wave of service reviews, as part of a successful £15m QIPP programme. The approach has already been replicated in other CCGs in the region and has contributed to successful CCG authorisation panel reviews.

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CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library

Getting to grips with integrated 24/7 emergency and urgent care: a pratical way forward for clinical commissioners

By NHS Alliance  (October 2012)

This report is designed to help commissioners implement effective integrated urgent care strategies in their local areas.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Guidance Library

Commissioning guides – supporting clinical service redesign

By NICE (2012)

NICE commissioning guides are topic-specific, web-based resources.

Each commissioning guide comprises a series of text-based web pages that signpost and provide topic-specific information on key clinical and service-related issues to consider during the commissioning process. Each guide contains a commissioning and benchmarking tool, which is a resource that can be used to estimate and inform the level of service needed locally as well as the cost of local commissioning decisions.

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CCGs Commissioning Library Patient Experience Patient Satisfaction

Optimising medicines use in care pathways using pharmacy support

By East and South East England Specialist Pharmacy Services (September 2012)

Optimising medicines use in care pathways using pharmacy support and the Medicines in Commissioning Toolkit are two key interlinked resources that have been revised and updated to support commissioners to help ensure care pathways which involve medicines deliver improved patient outcomes, are safe, use clinical and cost effective treatment options, offer patient choice and the best patient experience

The resources emphasise the delivery of QIPP and the NHS Outcomes Framework, and, above all, demonstrate how to maximise patient outcomes through medicines optimisation.

Both will also be useful to service providers, helping them to identify and address medicines-related issues in service specifications and comply with Care Quality Commission (CQC) Outcome 9 (Medicines Management).

In the current, rapidly changing, NHS environment these documents will provide a valuable starting point for local discussions between pharmacists and commissioners about the benefits and practicalities of commissioning medicines management support and appropriate pharmaceutical care for patients prescribed.

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CCGs Commissioning Library Third Sector

A clinical commissioner's guide to the voluntary sector

by ACEVO (2012)

This guide calls for a revolution in NHS and community links. It sets out practical examples to support closer working between clinical commissioners and third sector organisations. It explores three key areas: QIPP, patient and public involvement and collaborative commissioning.

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CCGs Commissioning General Practice Library

Primary care for the 21st century: learning from New Zealand's independent practitioner associations

By The Nuffield Trust (September 2012)

The authors found that clinical commissioning groups may need to form wider networks to secure the active engagement of GPs. Giving GPs genuine (not just on paper) independence is critical and public health does not currently appear to be a natural priority for GP groups, so time and support will be needed to allow them to develop in this area of their work.

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Community Library Local Government

Local public health intelligence

By Department of Health  (September 2012)

The factsheets set out the health intelligence requirements for local authorities and the actions local areas may wish to take to support their new public health duties from an information and intelligence perspective, including addressing IT and information governance architecture issues.

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Library Secondary Care Value

Patient-level costing: can it yield efficiency savings?

By The Nuffield Trust (September 2012)

This report examines how, in an era of financial challenge, NHS trusts can make better use of cost information at the patient level, as the first step towards greater efficiency. The challenge faced by the NHS of achieving major efficiency savings highlights the desirability of improving the availability and scrutiny of data on the costs and outcomes of health care. Patient-level costing systems (or ‘PLICS’) were introduced in the NHS in the mid-2000s. This report highlights the key findings of a full report looking at the use of these computerised information systems in hospitals that were set up to track and enable analysis of the costs of care incurred by individual patients. The report examines whether the implementation of information systems for patient-level costing might lead to greater efficiencies.

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Library Patient Experience

Forgotten conditions: misdiagnosed and unsupported, how patients are being let down

By 2020Health (September 2012)

The findings of this report are the result of a roundtable which brought together health policy-makers, GPs, politicians and senior academics. One in seventeen people will be affected by a rare condition in their lifetime, a number that is projected to mushroom in the coming years. This report demonstrates how wrong or late diagnosis wastes vital NHS funds, and costs considerably more than early diagnosis, requiring expensive and invasive medical treatment. 

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