Children Nutrition Obesity Young People

Adolescent obesity and nutrition: research summary

By Association for Young Peoples Health (2013)

A larger proportion of young people are obese now than in the 1970s and 1980s. As a result, adolescent obesity is now a major public health issue. Understanding its prevalence, the health implications, and how to intervene are all critical. This paper presents an overview of the issues, and a useful selection of key, up-to-date findings on adolescent nutrition and obesity. This is the latest in a series of research summaries produced by the Association for Young People’s Health (AYPH) with support from the Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network, PHE.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Young People

The school food plan

By Henry Dimbleby & John Vincent (July 2013)

Almost a fifth of UK children are obese by the time they leave primary school. Good food provision in schools has been shown to lead not only to healthier children, but to improved attainment. This report sets out a plan to transform what children eat at school, and how they learn about food. It includes clear actions for government and for head teachers. The independent school food plan website provides information and resources to support these actions.

Click here to view this plan

Nutrition Obesity

Action on obesity: comprehensive care for all

By Royal College of Physicians (2013)

This report outlines the issues around obesity in the UK, including the variations in treatment across the country, the related health issues, and the wider impact on public health. It sets out recommendations on how the NHS could adapt to meet the demands of an increasingly obese nation.

Click here to view this report

Community Good Practice Guidance Integrated Care Nutrition Obesity

Obesity: working with local communities

By NICE (2012)

This public health guidance aims to support effective, sustainable and community-wide action to prevent obesity. It sets out how local communities, with the support of local organisations and networks, can achieve this.

Click here to view this guidance

Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity

Parents' views on child physical activity and their implications for physical activity parenting interventions: a qualitative study

Bentley, GF. et al. BMC Pediatrics, 2012; 12: 180

Establishing healthy physical activity (PA) behaviours in early childhood is important for future PA behaviours. Parents play a central role in young children’s PA. However, there is currently little research on parenting interventions to increase child PA. This study was formative work to inform the content of a pilot randomised-controlled trial.

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Children Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Value

Interventions for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in children aged 5 years and under

By Cochrane Library (Novemebr 2012)

The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and associated adverse events of interventions designed to increase the consumption of fruit and/or vegetables amongst children aged five years and under.

Click here to view this systemmatic review


Infant Feeding Nutrition Obesity

Lessons learned from the implementation of a provincial breastfeeding policy in Nova Scotia, Canada and the implications for childhood obesity prevention

Kirk, SF. et al. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2012; 9(4): 1308-1318

Healthy public policy plays a central role in creating environments that are supportive of health. Breastfeeding, widely supported as the optimal mode for infant feeding, is a critical factor in promoting infant health. In 2005, the Canadian province of Nova Scotia introduced a provincial breastfeeding policy. This paper describes the process and outcomes of an evaluation into the implementation of the policy. This evaluation comprised focus groups held with members of provincial and district level breastfeeding committees who were tasked with promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding in their districts. Five key themes were identified, which were an unsupportive culture of breastfeeding; the need for strong leadership; the challenges in engaging physicians in dialogue around breastfeeding; lack of understanding around the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes; and breastfeeding as a way to address childhood obesity. Recommendations for other jurisdictions include the need for a policy, the value of leadership, the need to integrate policy with other initiatives across sectors and the importance of coordination and support at multiple levels. Finally, promotion of breastfeeding offers a population-based strategy for addressing the childhood obesity epidemic and should form a core component of any broader strategies or policies for childhood obesity prevention.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Nutrition Obesity Young People

A junk free childhood 2012: The 2012 report of the StanMark project on standards for marketing food and beverages to children in Europe

By the International Association for the Study of Obesity (July 2012)

According to this report, advertising of junk food continues to undermine children’s health despite the food industry’s promises that they would restrict their marketing activities. The review of advertising in Europe undertaken by IASO, a not-for-profit organisation, found that the industry’s own figures show that children’s exposure to advertisements for fatty and sugary foods had fallen by barely a quarter over the last six years.

Click here to view this briefing

Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity

Standard evaluation framework for dietary interventions

By the National Obesity Observatory (2012)

The SEF for dietary interventions aims to describe and explain the information that should be collected in any evaluation of an intervention that aims to improve dietary intake or associated behaviour. It is aimed at interventions that work at individual or group level, not at population level.

Click here to view these standards

Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Nutrition Obesity

Tackling childhood obesity – National Childhood Measurement Programme

By ChaMPs (2012)

This film features the National Child Measurement Programme, a mandatory function that is soon to move from NHS to local authority control. The Director of Public Health for Knowsley talks about the importance of the programme and lessons learned and a local head teacher comments on how it is more effectively run through schools.

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