
Choosing the place of care: the effect of patient choice on treatment location in England, 2003-2011

By The Nuffield Trust (November 2012)

This report examines the effect of patient choice and the independent sector on treatment location in England, specifically the extent to which patients (or their referring doctors) have been choosing a different location of care since 2006. It is the first output from a three-year joint programme of work between the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) and the Nuffield Trust: ‘understanding competition and choice in the NHS’, which will establish a long-term expertise in the use of competition and market mechanisms in health care both in England and internationally.

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Community Integrated Care Local Government Patient Safety Public Mental Health Secondary Care

The abandoned illness: a report by the Schizophrenia Commission

By The Schizophrenia Commission (November 2012)

This report is the result of a year-long inquiry into the delivery of care for patients affected by schizophrenia and psychosis. Recommendations include: a radical overhaul of poor acute care units, including better use of alternatives to manage the transition between hospital and community services; greater partnership and shared decision making with service users; extending general practitioner training in mental illness to improve support for those with psychosis managed through primary care; extending the ‘Early Intervention for Psychosis’ services rather than cutting or diluting them; action to address inequalities and meet the needs of disadvantaged groups; and greater use of personal budgets, particularly for those with long-term care needs.

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CCGs Commissioning Library

Exploring the early workings of emerging Clinical Commissioning Groups: Final report

By Policy Research Unit (September 2012)

This report presents the findings from a study of developing Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in England. It explores the early experiences of emerging CCGs as they set themselves up as ‘pathfinders’ and moved towards authorisation, investigating the factors that had affected their development and looking at lessons for the future. The specific research questions addressed in this report cover: the experiences of pathfinder CCGs over the past year; factors which have affected progress and development; and approaches taken to being a membership organisation, developing external relationships, and commissioning and contracting.

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Public Mental Health Well-Being

A primary care approach to mental health and wellbeing: case study report on Sandwell

By NHS Confederation (November 2012)

This report presents a detailed case study of the journey Sandwell’s health commissioners went through to respond to a number of important health inequalities within its local population. It focuses on how its health service commissioners responded to specific health inequalities to develop a primary care-led approach to improving mental health and wellbeing.

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CCGs Commissioning Learning Disabilities Public Mental Health

Equally accessible? Making mental health services more accessible for learning disabled or autistic people

By Mental Health Network NHS Confederation (November 2012)

This paper reports findings from a study which found that people with autism or learning disabilities can suffer double the amount of setbacks if they need mental health support. It calls on providers and commissioners of mental health services to better accommodate the mental health needs of people with autism or learning disabilities.

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CCGs Commissioning Library

The Mandate: a mandate from the Government to the NHS Commissioning Board: April 2013-March 2015

By Department of Health (November 2012)

This mandate is the first between the government and the NHS Commissioning Board. It sets out the ambitions for the health service for the next two years. It will be used to measure the NHS on key objectives, including: better standards of care for elderly patients; better diagnosis, treatment and care for people with dementia; more personalised care for women throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period; gathering of patient feedback through the friends and family test; online booking and other GP services by 2015; and greater transparency around the performance of local NHS services.

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Alcohol Local Government Tobacco & Drugs

Local government public health briefings: alcohol

By NICE (October 2012)

This briefing summarises NICE’s recommendations for local authorities and their partner organisations on how to reduce the harm caused by alcohol. It supports local government in its public health role, including its leadership of health and wellbeing boards. The briefing also supports local authorities in their duty to commission alcohol misuse prevention and treatment interventions.

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Public Mental Health

Liaison psychiatry in the modern NHS

By Centre for Mental Health (November 2012)

This report argues that every NHS hospital should have a liaison psychiatry service as standard as it could save the average hospital £5 million a year by reducing the number and length of admissions to beds. It adds that even bigger savings could be achieved in future if liaison psychiatry services were extended to work in the community to prevent crises from happening at all.

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Delivering major improvements in dementia care and research by 2015: a report on progress

By Department of Health (November 2012)

This progress report provides an update on the dementia challenge and outlines the aims, achievements and ambitions of the challenge’s three champion groups. The accompanying annex summarises the progress made by the champion groups on the key commitments and actions included in the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia document.

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CCGs Commissioning Good Practice Guidance Library Value

Standards for members of NHS boards and clinical commissioning group governing bodies in England

By Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence (November 2012)

These standards, which apply to NHS England, cover three domains: personal behaviour, technical competence, and business practices, and put compassion and respect at the heart of NHS leadership.They were developed through extensive engagement with NHS board members, experts in leadership and management, and patients and the public. We also spoke to many organisations with an interest in the work, such as NHS Employers, the Institute for Healthcare Management, and the King’s Fund.

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