Commissioning Nutrition Obesity

Joined up clinical pathways for obesity

By NHS England (2014)

This report recommends greater clarity around how obesity care in England is commissioned. It aims to support more equitable access to obesity and weight management services, including obesity surgery, across the country.

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Cancer Care of the Elderly Commissioning CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Respiratory Disease

Mapping the market II: commissioning support services

By NHS England (2014)

Mapping the Market II: Commissioning Support Services, is a sixty-page report that showcases services for clinical commissioners offered by voluntary sector organisations (VSOs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The publication, launched at a reception at the NHS Expo in Manchester, contains 12 in-depth interviews with VSO leaders from charities such as MacMillan Cancer Support, Alzheimer’s Society and Turning Point.
It also features a further 15 interviews with SME leaders from organisations such as Dr. Associates and Outcomes Based Healthcare, resulting in the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to the commissioning support market for anyone involved in commissioning healthcare in the UK.

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Library Minority Groups Safeguarding

Hidden needs: identifying key vulnerable groups in data collections: Vulnerable Migrants, Gypsies and Travellers, Homeless People, and Sex Workers

By Centre for Health Services Studies (2014)

This report argues that the health care needs of the most vulnerable groups in society not being met because of gaps in health information and data gaps. It is aimed at data providers, healthcare professionals, commissioners and others working to improve the health of the vulnerable groups and signposts the way to good data.

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Care of the Elderly Licensing Patient Safety Patient Satisfaction Planning

Making our health and care systems fit for an aging population

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This report sets out a framework and tools to help local service leaders improve the care they provide for older people across nine key components. Within each component of care, the report sets out the goal the system should aim for, presents key evidence about works, gives examples of local innovations, and some pointers to major reviews and relevant guidance. It argues that if the health and care systems can get services right for our older population – those with the highest complexity, activity, spend, variability, and use of multiple services – they should be easier to get it right for other service users.

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Asthma Children Commissioning Long-Term Conditions Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Young People

Disease management information toolkit

By Child & Maternal Health Intelligence Network (2014)

We have updated the Disease Management Information Toolkit (DMIT) with data at clinical commissioning group (CCG) level for 2012/13.

DMIT is designed to help increase the efficiency of services for children with long-term conditions. The toolkit can be used to show performance for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy. It has information at clinical commissioning group (CCG) level on emergency hospital admissions for patients aged under 19 with a primary diagnosis of a particular condition. The toolkit enables CCGs to compare their emergency admission rates, bed-days and lengths of stay with a range of different comparators. It is designed to highlight variations at CCG level and allow benchmarking to inform the commissioning decision-making process for children’s services.

Children CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Immunisation Infant Mortality Licensing Planning Safeguarding seasonal mortality) Young People

Evaluation of vaccine uptake during the 2013 MMR catch-up campaign in England

By Public Health England (2014)

This report finds that in the first 3 months of 2013 there was an increase in number of cases of measles in England compared to previous years, which was most marked among 10 to 16 year-olds. A national catch-up campaign was launched in April 2013 with the objective of ensuring that 95% of children aged 10 to 16 years received at least one dose of MMR vaccine by 30 September 2013.

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Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Star: helping commissioners to allocate resources efficiently

By The Health Foundation (2014)

Star is a new approach to priority setting in healthcare, which combines value for money analysis with stakeholder engagement. It was developed by Professor Gwyn Bevan’s team at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and funded by the Health Foundation. We talk to Professor Bevan about how Star can help commissioners to engage with local stakeholders and make more transparent decisions about healthcare resources.

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Alcohol Guidance Tobacco & Drugs

Alcohol-use disorders: preventing harmful drinking

NICE (2014)

A summary of selected new evidence relevant to NICE
public health guidance 24 ‘Alcohol-use disorders: preventing
harmful drinking’ (2010)

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Accident Prevention Community Safety Finance General Practice Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning and funding general practice: making the case for family care networks

By The King’s Fund (2014)

The pressure of a growing and ageing population (many of whom have long-term conditions, compounded by risk factors like obesity, smoking and alcohol misuse), is made all the more pressing by the well-documented financial challenges that the entire health system faces – but are keenly felt within general practice. For a number of years, we have been making the case for the central role that general practice should play in delivering integrated care, alongside colleagues in the community, social and acute care. We have recently worked with four groups of general practices across England that are already working in this way, adapting local contracting and funding streams to influence the way they work together with local providers to deliver services to better meet the specific needs of their population. However, the technicalities of these contracting and funding streams are complex and not well understood by many general practices across the country. This prevents many from innovating in a similar way.

In Commissioning and funding for general practice, we argue for a new approach to funding general practice, where GPs take control of a population-based capitated contract that enables them to either provide or ‘buy’ services for the patients on their registered list. Commissioners would build certain outcomes into this contract, but would not specify how they are to be delivered – practices would be responsible for finding ways to work together and in partnership with other providers to deliver care that achieves these outcomes. Over time, we see ‘family care networks’ emerging that provide forms of care well beyond what is currently available in general practices.

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Good Practice Public Mental Health

Mental health crisis care concordat: improving outcomes for people experiencing mental health crisis

By Department of Health (2014)

The document sets out the principles and good practice that should be followed by health staff, police officers and approved mental health professionals when working together to help people in a mental health crisis. It follows the refreshed Mandate for NHS England, which includes a new requirement for the NHS that “every community has plans to ensure no one in mental health crisis will be turned away from health services”.

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