Children Commissioning CYP Healthcare Finance Licensing Local Government Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Transfer of 0-5 children's public health commissioning to local authorities

By Department of Health (2014)

The document sets out the proposed funding allocations for local authorities for the commissioning of children’s 0-5 public health services from 1 October 2015 to 31 March 2016.

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Care of the Elderly CYP Healthcare Food Poverty Poverty

Feeding Britain: a strategy for zero hunger in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

By All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Hunger in the United Kingdom (2014)

The report of the all-party parliamentary inquiry into hunger in the United Kingdom considers the extent and causes of hunger in Britain and the scope of provision to alleviate it. It includes recommendations on parenting and hunger in schools.

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Healthy Settings Information Local Government Technology

Transforming local public services: using technology and digital tools and approaches

By Local Government Association (2014)

This research aims to capture examples of where councils have used technology and digital tools and approaches to deliver services that are better target and more efficient. This report demonstrates that there is significant technological innovation in local government, and finds that it is being applied with real skill and thoughtfulness. Councils have learned lessons from technology projects in the past, and are increasingly using agile and flexible project management approaches to implementation, belying the myth that the public sector cannot effectively implement change supported by information technology.

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Finance Healthy Settings Local Government Resource Allocation

Public Health England's grant to local authorities

By National Audit Office (2014)

This report finds that the new public health agency, Public Health England, has made a good start in supporting local authorities with their new responsibilities for public health. The National Audit Office considers, however, that it is too soon to tell whether the agency’s approach is achieving value for money.

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Children Library Local Government

Tackling poor oral health in children: local government's public health role

By Local Government Association (2014)

This briefing sets out the policy context, local government’s role, case studies, ideas for success and key questions to ask when assessing local oral health improvement delivery.

Click here to view this briefing

Library Smoking Smoking Cessation

Electronic cigarettes

By ASH (2014)

This Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) briefing summarises the evidence on electronic cigarettes.

Click here to view this summary


Improving outcomes: a strategy for cancer: fourth annual report

By Department of Health (2014)

This report outlines the progress made against the national cancer strategy. It details progress against the ambition to save an additional 5,000 lives per year by 2015; progress in screening programmes; progress in ensuring better access for all to the best possible treatment, particularly radiotherapy; and developments in the collection and reporting of new datasets and the analysis of information, particularly accurate stage at diagnosis data for England.

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Finance Library Obesity

Overcoming obesity: an initial economic analysis

By McKinsey Global Institute (2014)

This discussion paper brings together a range of case studies and examples of obesity interventions from around the world and presents them with an initial assessment of their cost-effectiveness.

Click here to view this discussion paper

Care of the Elderly Integrated Care Older people

I'm still me….a narrative for coordinated support for older people

By National Voices (2014)

This document, produced in collaboration with UCLPartners and Age UK, sets out how integrated care and support looks and feels to older people and is written from their point of view. It outlines five themes that older people say are key to coordinated support: independence, community interactions, decision making, care and support and terminology.

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Commissioning General Practice Mental Health Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health

Choice in mental health care: guidance on implementing patients legal rights to choose the provider and team for their mental health care

By NHS England (2014)

This guidance aims to help commissioners, GPs and providers support mental health patients exercising their legal rights to choose who provides their care and treatment. This guidance has been updated to reflect suggestions from consultation which highlighted the need for further clarity and it also includes a set of clinical scenarios to illustrate how mental health patients’ legal rights should work in practice.

Click here to view this guidance