Infant Feeding

Breastfeeding protection, promotion, and support in the United States: a time to nudge, a time to measure

Perez-Escamilla, R. et al. Journal of Human Lactation, 2012; 28(2): 118-121

Strong evidence-based advocacy efforts have now translated into high level political support and concrete goals for improving breastfeeding outcomes among women in the United States. In spite of this, major challenge remain for promoting, supporting and especially for protecting breastfeeding in the country.

Please contact your local NHS health library (NHS staff only) to request this article

Infant Feeding

'Please don't put the whole dang thing out there!': a discursive analysis of internet discussions around infant feeding

Callaghan, JE. et al. Psychology & Health, 2012; 27(8): 938-955

The promotion of breastfeeding is an important focus of intervention for professionals working to improve infant health outcomes. Literature in this area focuses largely on ‘choices’ and ‘barriers to breastfeeding’. It is our argument, however, that women’s cultural context plays a key role in infant feeding ‘choices’. In this article, we explore contested representations of infant feeding and infant feeding choices in public debates conducted on a large British parenting website.

Please contact your local NHS health library (NHS staff only) to request this article

Cancer Community Health Promotion

Early diagnosis of lung cancer: evaluation of a community-based social marketing intervention

Athey, VL. et al. Thorax, 2012; 67(5): 412-417

Poor UK lung cancer survival rates may, in part, be due to late
diagnosis. The objectives of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of a mixed-method community-based social marketing intervention on lung cancer diagnoses.

Click here to view this article. You will need an NHS Athens username to access this article. To obtain a username contact your local NHS health library.

CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Comparative effectiveness of antihypertensive medication for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: systematic review and multiple treatments meta-analysis

Fretheim, A. et al. BMC Medicine, 2012; 10:33

We conducted a systematic review of evidence from randomized controlled trials to answer the following research question: What are the relative effects of different classes of antihypertensive drugs in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease outcomes for healthy people at risk of cardiovascular disease.

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CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease Stroke

A polypill for all? Critical review of the polypill literature for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke

Carey, KM. et al. Annals of Pharmacology, 2012; 46(5): 688-695

This article aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the polypill for prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke and to present literature related to the polypill components (statin, aspirin, antihypertensive) for primary prevention of CVD and stroke.

Please contact your local NHS Health Library (NHS staff only) to request this article

Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Young People

Interventions to promote physical activity in young people conducted in the hours immediately after school: a systemmatic review

By Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (2012)

The authors’ objectives were to review the effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity conducted in the hours immediately after school among young people. They concluded that limitations in study methods and problems with intervention implementation may explain the lack of effectiveness observed for interventions to promote physical activity among young people in the after-school setting. They stated that further research was needed. Their conclusions appear reliable and recommendations for further research appropriate.

Click here to view this structured abstract


BCG vaccination in England since 2005: a survey of policy and practice

Pilger, D. et al. BMJ Open, 2012; 2: e001303

The aim of this study was to assess the current BCG vaccination policies and delivery pathways for immunisation in primary care trusts (PCTs) in England since the 2005 change in recommendations.

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Children Community Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Social Care

The assistant practitioner role in children and young people's services: working party report and recommendations for practice

By The Royal College of Nursing (2012)

This publication examines the background and development of the assistant practitioner role in children and young people’s services and looks at key policy issues as well as detailing recommendations for future development and implementation.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Nutrition Obesity

Tackling childhood obesity – National Childhood Measurement Programme

By ChaMPs (2012)

This film features the National Child Measurement Programme, a mandatory function that is soon to move from NHS to local authority control. The Director of Public Health for Knowsley talks about the importance of the programme and lessons learned and a local head teacher comments on how it is more effectively run through schools.

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CCGs Commissioning Library

PCT CCG spend and outcome factsheets and tool

By Yorkshire & Humber Public Health Observatory (2012)

This tool helps commissioners to link health outcomes and expenditure. Commissioners can use the tool and the factsheets to gain an overview of outcome and expenditure across all programmes. This tool has been updated to include CCGs.

Click here to view this tool