CVD Health Promotion Healthy Settings Integrated Care Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Enabling people to live well: fresh thinking about collaborative approaches to care for people with long-term conditions

By The Health Foundation (2013)

This paper reports the results of a research project which critically analysed the ways that collaborative approaches are currently described; and started to examine what goes on in practice when clinicians and patients work together in ways they appreciate as meaningfully collaborative. It reflect on clinicians’ and patients’ experiences and draw on ideas from development economics and social justice.

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Community Integrated Care Library Local Government Third Sector

Counting the cuts: the impact of spending cuts on the UK voluntary and community sector

By NCVO (2013)

This update to the 2011 report looks at the scale of cuts so far and those still to come. It considers the impact of this on several areas, including the changing commissioning structure of the NHS, and the increased involvement of the private and voluntary sector in the delivery of public services.

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Improving Lives Library Well-Being

Making it real for people with dementia

By Think Local Act Personal (May 2013)

The Making it Real programme encourages organisations that pay for or provide social care services to get real about improving people’s lives. These tools have been produced in order to support this programme and include practical examples of what organisations are doing to transform their services, in partnership with the people who use them and will help people to understand and engage in the personalisation of the care and support agenda.

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Integrated Care Library Resource Allocation

Improving the allocation of health resources in England: how to decide who gets what

By The King’s Fund (2013)

This paper explores how the health resource allocation process and the formula on which it is based have changed over time, and how it will work from April 2013. It suggests practical improvements to the current system, and explores the ways in which different models of resource allocation can be used to support alternative visions of the NHS including: more clinically led; driven by outcomes; more integrated and provider led; or more integrated with other services through a ‘single budget’.

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Library Social Media

Social media and employee voice: the current landscape

By CIPD (2013)

This report looks at the nature of employee voice and the impact of social media. It also considers some of the barriers to using social media to improving employee voice within organisations.

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Health Promotion Integrated Care Public Mental Health

The NHS mandate and its implication for mental health

By Centre for Mental Health (2013)

This briefing examines what the NHS Mandate means for mental health services and the people who use them. It identifies areas for improvements in mental health services and argues that a stronger focus on mental health support can improve people’s physical health. It also outlines key actions for NHS England and CCGs, including expanding IAPT services, addressing access and waiting times for mental health care and commissioning integrated support for people with co-existing physical and mental health conditions.

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Integrated Care Library

Does integrated care deliver the benefits expected?

By Rand (2013)

This evaluation of 16 varied pilot projects was initiated by the Department of Health as a means to explore new ways of integrating patient care from different local providers. It concludes that local decision-makers should not underestimate the challenges involved in coordinating care across boundaries, nor lose sight of the needs and preferences of service users.

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The Care Bill: factsheets

By Department of Health (2013)

These factsheets have been produced to accompany the Care Bill which was introduced into Parliament on the 9th May 2013, and published on 10th May 2013.

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Countering the biggest risk of all: attempting to govern uncertainty in healthcare management

By Good Governance Institute (May 2013)

This report develops an approach to engaging healthcare boards in the meaningful use of risk management to effectively govern complex organisations such as hospitals and other healthcare bodies. It provides a conceptual framework for the governance of risk, and poses a series of key questions for boards to ask of themselves.

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Community General Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care Third Sector

Guide to the healthcare system in England

By The NHS Constitution (2013)

This guide explains organisations in the healthcare system and how they work together. The accountability statement explains how decision making works in the NHS and fulfills the commitment set out in principle 7 of the NHS constitution.

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