Public Mental Health

Lethal discrimination

By Rethink Mental Illness (September 2013)

This report finds that people with serious mental illness die an average of 20 years earlier than the rest of the population, the majority from preventable causes. It calls on the Government to take immediate action.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Transforming participation in health and care

By NHS England (September 2013)

This guidance aims to support commissioners to improve individual and public participation and to better understand and respond to the needs of the communities they serve. It highlights a range of ways in which NHS commissioners can fulfil their statutory responsibilities and seize the opportunity to deliver personalised and responsive care to all. It includes a range of tools, resources and case studies that commissioners will find useful when developing their own responses.

Click here to view this guidance

CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Respiratory Disease Self-Management

Sustaining and spreading self-management support

By The Health Foundation (2013)

This report contains the independent evaluation of the second phase of our Co-creating Health improvement programme. The evaluation, conducted by Firefly, provides valuable insight into how to sustain changes in clinical practice to more effectively support people with long-term conditions.

Click here to view this report

Public Mental Health

Starting today: the future of mental health services

By Mental Health Foundation (September 2013)

This report is the final report from a year-long inquiry into the future of mental health services. It sets out some key messages as to what mental health services need to do in order to ensure that they are ready to address the mental health needs of the UK population in 20-30 years’ time.

Click here to view this report

Community Public Mental Health

National summary of the results for the 2013 community mental health survey

By Care Quality Commission (2013)

This survey of people who use community mental health services asks about the experiences of more than 13,000 people during the past 12 months. The survey involved 58 trusts in England who provide mental health services. It finds that care people receive in the community needs to improve. Of particular concern is people’s lack of involvement in their care plans and having their views taken into account when deciding which medication to take.

Click here to view the summary of findings

Care of the Elderly Public Mental Health

World Alzheimer report 2013: journey of caring: an analysis of long-term care for dementia

By Alzheimer’s Disease International (2013)

This report reveals that, as the world population ages, the traditional system of “informal” care by family, friends, and community will require much greater support. It finds that globally, 13% of people aged 60 or over require long-term care but between 2010 and 2050, the total number of older people with care needs will nearly treble from 101 to 277 million.

Click here to view this report

Francis Inquiry Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings seasonal mortality)

After Francis: making a difference: Third Report of Session 2013–14

By House of Commons Health Committee

In this report the Committee gives its view on the principal recommendations of the report of the public inquiry into the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust undertaken by Robert Francis QC.

Click here to view this report

CVD Health Promotion Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Local Government Respiratory Disease

NHS Health Check frequently asked questions

By Local Government Association (2013)

These frequently-asked questions (FAQs) have been produced by the Local Government Association (LGA) and Public Health England (PHE). They address a number of transitional issues relating to the transfer of responsibility for commissioning NHS Health Check to local government.

Click here to view these FAQs

Public Mental Health Well-Being

Mental illness and unhappiness

By Centre for Economic Performance (September 2013)

This paper is a contribution to the second World Happiness Report. It argues that: mental health is the biggest single predictor of life-satisfaction; depression and anxiety are more common during working age than in later life,  accounting for a high proportion of disability, major economic costs, and financial losses to governments worldwide; in rich countries treatment is likely to have no net cost to the Exchequer due to savings on welfare benefits and lost taxes, and even in poor countries a reasonable level of coverage could be obtained at a cost of under $2 per head of population per year.

Click here to view this paper

Alcohol Public Mental Health Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Smoking and mental health

By Mental Health Network NHS Confederation (2013)

This briefing provides the background to smoking prevalence and the consequences for people with mental illness. It examines the evidence of what works to reduce harm from smoking for this group, and how providers are implementing the smoking ban in practice.

Click here to view this briefing