Care of the Elderly End of Life Care

What we know now 2013: new information collated by the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network

By Public Health England (2013)

This report collates information and intelligence collected by the National End of Life Intelligence Care Network and partners over the last year. Key findings from the report include that the proportion of people dying at home or in care homes increased from 38 per cent in 2008 to 44 per cent in 2012. It also reports large variations in the proportion of deaths in hospital by local authority area, though the reasons for this are complex.

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Nutrition Obesity Social Care

Social care and obesity: a discussion paper

By Local Government Association (2013)

This discussion paper considers the impact that obesity has on social care and the challenges facing social care now and in the future.

Click here to view this briefing 

Diabetes Health Promotion Healthy Settings Targets

National diabetes audit 2011-2012: report 1: care processes and treatment targets

By Healthcare quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) (2013)

This report shows wide variation in achieving the 140/80 blood pressure target between CCGs and local health boards (LHBs). Some CCGs and LHBs met this target in 53 per cent of cases but in others it was met in less than 44 per cent of cases. The figures show over 1.2 million patients had not met the blood pressure target of less than 140/80 for the 2.3 million patients with diabetes in England and Wales whose blood pressure was recorded.

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Children CYP Healthcare Guidance Infant Mortality Nutrition Obesity Well-Being Young People

Managing overweight and obesity among children and young people: lifestyle weight management services

By NICE (2013)

This guidance makes recommendations on lifestyle weight management services for overweight and obese children and young people aged under 18.

Click here to view this guidance

Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Activity Well-Being

Physical guidelines for children (under 5)

By NHS Choices (2013)

Guidelines on the amount of physical activity recommended for children under 5 years old, including related factsheets.

Click here to view these guidelines

Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Infant Feeding

Breastfeeding profiles

By Child & Maternal Health Intelligence Network (2013)

Our breastfeeding profiles show how local areas perform against a range of indicators describing breastfeeding behaviours and health outcomes for mothers and their children. We have updated these profiles to provide the latest available data and added a new indicator showing hospital admissions of very young babies. The profiles allow you to make comparisons with others in order to identify and learn from better performing areas.

Click here to visit these profiles

Cancer End of Life Care Patient Experience

Time to choose: making choice at the end of life a reality

By Macmillan Cancer Support (October 2013)

This report calls for social care to be made free for everyone at the end of life. It found that almost three quarters of cancer patients in England who die in hospital beds wanted to die at home. It sets out new recommendations for improving choice at end of life for cancer patients.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Finance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Managing financial difficulties in health economies: lessons for clinical commissioning groups

By Nuffield Trust (20130

This report examines why some health economies have been more successful than others in balancing their finances and outlines some key lessons for clinical commissioning groups.

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CCGs Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning for value: a comprehensive data pack to support clinical commissioning groups

By NHS England (2013)

These packs aim to show CCGs ‘where to look’ as a first stage to identify opportunities to improve outcomes and increase value for local populations. The localised information will support discussions about prioritising areas for change, utilising resources and will help local leaders make improvements in healthcare quality, outcomes and efficiency. They are meant to be of particular interest to CCG clinical and management leads with responsibility for finance, performance, improvement and health outcomes and to area team leads and to CSU teams supporting CCGs in this work.

Click here to view these packs

Health Promotion Patient Satisfaction Public Mental Health Value Well-Being

Feel better outside, feel better inside: ecotherapy for mental wellbeing, resilience and recovery

By Mind (2013)

This report includes new findings from the University of Essex showing the many benefits of ecotherapy for mental wellbeing. It finds that ecotherapy has been proven to improve mental health, boost self esteem, help people with mental health problems return to work, improve physical health, and reduce social isolation.

Click here to view this report