Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs

A comparison of alcohol sales and alcohol-related mortality in Scotland and Northern England

By NHS Health Scotland (2013)

This report assesses population levels of alcohol consumption based on retail sales data in Central Scotland, North West and North East England, comparing with levels of alcohol-related mortality. It was published as part of NHS Health Scotland’s commitment to monitoring and evaluating Scotland’s alcohol strategy.

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Improving outcomes: a strategy for cancer: third annual report

By Department of Health (2013)

This annual report discusses significant developments in cancer screening; activity to promote earlier diagnosis of symptomatic cancers; progress in ensuring better access for all to the best possible treatment; and significant developments in the collection and reporting of new datasets and the analysis of information to drive improvements and inform patients.

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Alcohol Finance Healthy Settings Tobacco & Drugs Value

Essential reading for smart spending: Dr Foster hospital guide 2013

By Dr Foster Intelligence (2013)

This report examines how financial austerity is affecting the way money is spent on hospital treatments; the impact of drug and alcohol problems on patients and hospitals; the quality of care at weekends; and the measurement of hospital mortality. The data has been presented in a series of posters which aim to celebrate good care and highlight areas of improvement.

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Public Mental Health Social Care Well-Being

Welfare advice for people who use mental health services: developing the business case

By Centre for Mental Health (2013)

This report calls for every mental health service to secure specialist welfare advice to help to support recovery and to intervene early when difficulties emerge. It recommends that health and social care commissioners should ensure that their plans include welfare advice provision and that the government should consider including welfare advice in its outcomes frameworks for the NHS, social care and public health.

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Improving care for lung cancer patients: a collaborative approach

By Royal College of Physicians (2013)

The purpose of this booklet is to give lung cancer teams across the country an overview of the aims, activities and achievements of the Improving Lung Cancer Outcomes Project (ILCOP). It outlines the ILCOP approach to quality improvement and also contains four case studies.

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Accident Prevention Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning seasonal mortality)

Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the European Region: a progress report

By WHO (2013)

Noncommunicable diseases continue to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the European region. This report aims to demonstrate achievements made in the various proposed action areas, reporting the activities already undertaken and future plans. While the report reveals gaps and challenges faced in the achievement of desired objectives, it also highlights examples of innovation in contextualisation of interventions within various countries in the region.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Public Mental Health Well-Being

Overlooked and forgotten: a review of how well children and young people's mental health is prioritised in the current commissioning landscape

By Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition (2013)

This report offers support and recommendations to health and wellbeing boards on how they can prioritise and address children and young people’s mental health. It is based on a review of 145 joint strategic needs assessment (JSNAs) and 142 joint health and wellbeing strategies (JHWSs).

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Alcohol Healthy Settings Secondary Care Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Smoking cessation: acute, maternity and mental health services

By NICE (2013)

This guidance aims to support smoking cessation, temporary abstinence from smoking and smokefree policies in all secondary care settings.

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CCGs Commissioning Licensing Planning Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Briefing for commissioners on the NHS provider licence

By Monitor (November 2013)

All providers of health care services for the NHS including independent providers, will require a Monitor licence from 1st April 2014, unless they are exempt. This document outlines the action commissioners now need to take to be ready for 1st April 2014.

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Community Integrated Care Public Mental Health

Patient suicide: the impact of service changes: a UK wide study

By National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness (November (2013)

This report argues that mental health service providers looking after patients at risk of suicide need to reduce absconding on in-patient wards and boost specialist community services like crisis resolution to reduce deaths.

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