Cancer Children Commissioning COPD CVD Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Public Mental Health Respiratory Disease

The way forward: strategic clinical networks

By NHS Commissioning Board

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority has set out its plan for a small number of national networks to improve health services for specific patient groups or conditions. Called strategic clinical networks, these organisations will build on the success of network activity in the NHS which, over the last 10 years, has led to significant improvements in the delivery of patient care.

Strategic clinical networks, hosted and funded by the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB), will cover conditions or patient groups where improvements can be made through an integrated, whole system approach. These networks will help local commissioners of NHS care to reduce unwarranted variation in services and encourage innovation.

Click here to view these clinical networks

Asthma COPD CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

An outcomes strategy for COPD and asthma

By The Department of Health (2012)

The NHS Companion Document to the Outcomes Strategy for COPD and Asthma sets out best practice for the NHS to achieve the relevant objectives from the Outcomes Strategy.

Click here to view the full guidance