Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

Innovation and improvement in maternity services

By The Royal College of Midwives  (2012)

This study looks at examples of innovative practice across England and shows how midwives are leading on improving services for women and families and generating savings. It concludes that it is possible to deliver high quality, safe and effective care when midwives are engaged and lead on innovation and emphasises the important role that clinical leadership plays in enabling innovation and improvement to take place.

Click here to view this study

Community Library Third Sector Well-Being

Measuring well-being: a guide for practitioners

By New Economics Foundation (2012)

This guidebook is designed primarily for voluntary organisations and community groups delivering projects and services and aims to improve the design and delivery of services through the use of wellbeing outcome measures.

Click here to view this guidebook

Public Mental Health

Investment in mental health: working age adult and older adult reports

By Department of Health (2012)

The Department has published two reports on the investment on mental health services.

The eleventh annual working age adult (WAA) report presenting the results of the finance mapping exercise that provides details of the level of investment in mental health services for WAA (aged 18-64) in England for 2011/12 and compares it with the reported results in previous years.

The older adult mental health (OPMH) report provides details of the level of investment in mental health services covering people aged 65 and above, in England for 2011/12 and compares it with the reported results in previous years since 2006/07.

Click here to view the reports

Community CVD Health Promotion Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Measurement properties of a novel survey to assess stages of organizational readiness for evidence-based interventions in community chronic disease prevention settings

By Stamatakis, K.A. et al. Implementation Science, 2012; 7: 65

There is a great deal of variation in the existing capacity of primary prevention programs and policies addressing chronic disease to deliver evidence-based interventions (EBIs). In order to develop and evaluate implementation strategies that are tailored to the appropriate level of capacity, there is a need for an easy-to-administer tool to stage organizational readiness for EBIs.

The lack of adequate measurement tools hinders progress in dissemination and
implementation research. These preliminary results help fill this gap by describing the reliability and measurement properties of a theory-based tool; the short, user-friendly instrument may be useful to researchers and practitioners seeking to assess organizational readiness for EBIs across a variety of chronic disease prevention programs and settings.

Click here to view the full-text article

Alcohol Illegal Drugs Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England in 2011

By The NHS Information Centre (2012)

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CCGs Commissioning Library

The new structure of the NHS in England

By The Nuffield Trust (2012)

The Health and Social Care Act (2012) introduced far-reaching reforms to how the NHS in England is organised, many of which are now underway. This slideshow details the main changes to management, accountability and funding structures resulting from the Act.

The first slides show the old and new structure in overview, together with a slide detailing the current transitional arrangements. Further slides compare the earlier arrangements that were in place for funding, regulation and monitoring, advice and performance management, and patient and public participation, with the new system at both the national and local level. The final slide outlines the new medical education and training arrangements

Click here to view the powerpoint presentation

Cancer Children Commissioning COPD CVD Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Public Mental Health Respiratory Disease

The way forward: strategic clinical networks

By NHS Commissioning Board

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority has set out its plan for a small number of national networks to improve health services for specific patient groups or conditions. Called strategic clinical networks, these organisations will build on the success of network activity in the NHS which, over the last 10 years, has led to significant improvements in the delivery of patient care.

Strategic clinical networks, hosted and funded by the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB), will cover conditions or patient groups where improvements can be made through an integrated, whole system approach. These networks will help local commissioners of NHS care to reduce unwarranted variation in services and encourage innovation.

Click here to view these clinical networks


The safer management of controlled drugs

By The Care Quality Commission (2012)

We report how CQC and our partners have continued to work to improve the safer management of controlled drugs and we look at how changes in healthcare legislation are affecting the arrangements for safer management of controlled drugs. We also report on the progress that has been made with the recommendations that were set out in the 2010 report. As the safe handling of controlled drugs remains an essential part of good quality care, we have made further recommendations to assure the safety of people who use health and social care services.

Click here to view this report


Structure of public health England

By Public Health England Transition Team  (2012)

This document sets out how Public Health England will be structured to deliver its vision. It aims to provide a helpful guide for staff who will join the new agency and for the partners it works with.

Click here to view this factsheet


Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Young People

Report of the children's and young people's health outcomes forum

By The Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum (2012)

The independent Forum, which was asked by the Secretary of State to help develop a new strategy for improving care for children and young people, identified several themes that it says are key to making the improvements needed:

  • putting children, young people and their families at the heart of what happens
  • acting early and intervening at the right time
  • integration and partnership
  • safe and sustainable services
  • workforce, education and training
  • knowledge and evidence
  • leadership, accountability and assurance
  • incentives.

Click here to view the report