Commissioning Community Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Well-Being

Costing the Walking for Health programme

By The Rand Corporation (2012)

Walking for Health is a physical activity intervention with the primary purpose of making a positive difference to people’s physical health. This report presents research into the economic costs of delivering the Walking for Health programme. These include financial (or accounting) costs and opportunity costs, which are the values of the foregone costs that could have been dedicated some other objective, based on a small sample of schemes representative of the variety across the programme as a whole.

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Library Social Media

Current use, future trends and opportunities in public sector social media

By Cogitamus & NHS Confederation (2012)

This report looks at the use of social media in the public sector, with a specific focus on health organisations. Respondents from 25 organisations were surveyed on their experiences of using social media. This report is designed to highlight useful social mediums for public sector organisations and to provide insight into how social media has worked for organisations similar to themselves.

Click here to view this report


CCGs CSSs Library

Steering or rowing? Report from a simulation event which tested how CCGs might utilise CSSs

By NHS Commissioning Board (2012)

This report outlines learning from a scenario workshop held in May 2012. The purpose of the event was to explore the relationships between CCGs and CSSs, and to anticipate some of the likely challenges for CCGs and CSSs so that the NHS Commissioning Board Authority and partners can focus developmental activities effectively.

Click here to view this report


CCGs Children Commissioning Community Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Public Mental Health Third Sector

Maternal mental health pathway

By Department of Health (2012)

This guidance provides a structured approach on common issues associated with maternal mental health and wellbeing, from pregnancy through the early months after the birth. It focuses on the role of the health visitor but also recognises the contributions of partners in midwifery, mental health, general practice and the third sector. It aims to strengthen the consistent provision support and care through enhanced partnership working.

Click here to view this guidance


Smartphone application for antibiotic prescribing

By Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (2012)

This report describes the development and implementation in Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, one of nine showcase hospitals, and the National Centre for Infection Prevention and Management of a smartphone application for the trust’s antibiotic prescribing policy. The aim of the report is to help directors of infection prevention and control and other staff decide whether they should consider using smartphone technology as a cost-effective means of disseminating policy and guidelines to improve practice at the point of care.

Click here to view this report

CCGs Commissioning Library Patient Satisfaction

The engagement cycle

By NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement (2012)

This free web based resource is available to help you engage patients, carers and public in decisions about healthcare provision.

Refreshed for a new NHS landscape, it offers a structured framework with online access to information, resources and case studies.

Click here to view this web based resource

Public Mental Health

Intelligence outcomes: applying the health and social reforms to improve outcomes for people with neurological conditions

By Neurological Alliance (2012)

This report identifies a range of neurology outcomes and highlights concerns that, without their inclusion in the quality and accountability architecture of the reformed NHS, the new system may not be capable of delivering urgent improvements in neurology services and outcomes.

Click here to view this report

Community Public Mental Health Secondary Care

Professional standards for hospital pharmacy services: optimising patient outcomes from medicine

By The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (2012)

These standards aim to underpin patient experience and the safe, effective management of medicines within and across organisations. They aim to enable patients to experience a consistent quality of service within and across healthcare providers, that helps protect them from incidents of avoidable harm and enables them to get the best outcomes from their medicines.

Click here to view these standards

CCGs Library

How to measure for improving outcomes: a guide for commissioners

By The King’s Fund (2012)

These two slide sets aim to help CCGs make the best use of measurement to support them to commission for improved outcomes. The first set of slides introduces general concepts about approaches to measurement in health care, the uses of structure, process and outcome indicators, and how to achieve a good mix of indicators for commissioning. The second set looks specifically at how commissioners can build up sets of measures along whole pathways of care.

Click here to view these slides

Library Secondary Care

Developing and sustaining a practice based strategy for reducing healthcare associated infections programme

By Foundation of Nursing Studies (2012)

This evaluation report looks at a programme which aimed to enable clinically based project teams to implement a strategy for developing, changing and evaluating practice to reduce and prevent healthcare associated infections. It identified clinical leadership; effective strategic support; clinical team involvement; and use of practice development methods as key to successfully reducing healthcare associated infections.

Click here to view this report