Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Young People

Developing and costing local strategies to improve maternal and child health: the investment case framework

Jimenez Soto, E. et al. PLOS Medicine, 2012; 9 (8)

Summary points

At the sub-national level—where most health services are delivered—critical knowledge and capacity gaps exist, which prevent evidence from making a direct contribution to health plans and budgets.
The Investment Case framework pairs locally led problem-solving analysis with quantitative techniques to inform local planning and decision-making.
The framework allows for the development of locally appropriate strategies to overcome identified health system constraints and it estimates cost and impact should such strategies be implemented.
The varied success of this initiative in terms of influencing annual plans and budgets reflects the political nature of resource allocation and the need to embed such approaches in the local policy process.
To sustain evidence-based planning, we propose a collaborative arrangement that allows researchers to address specific evidence gaps and health managers to focus on their core business of delivering universal health coverage.

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Health Promotion Healthy Settings

Implementing NICE public health guidance in the workplace: staff health improvement project interim report

By The Royal College of Physicians (2012)

This project aims to facilitate faster implementation of NICE public health guidance for the workplace by NHS trusts. Telephone interviews were conducted with 22 acute and mental health trusts around the country that have made progress in implementing the NICE guidance for the workplace. The second phase of the project will involve meeting with 40 trusts that have made less progress, and offering action planning support to help further this implementation. The experience of the 22 trusts interviewed will be shared and examples of good practice will continue to be collected from the trusts to be visited. An updated report will be produced in November 2012.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Young People

Study protocol of a parent-focused child feeding and dietary intake intervention: the feeding healthy food to kids randomised controlled trial

Duncanson, K et al. BMC Public Health, 2012; 12: 564

The Feeding Healthy Food to Kids (FHFK) Randomised Control Trial (RCT) examines the impact of providing low cost, self-directed nutrition and parenting resources to rural parents, on child dietary intake and parent-child feeding practices.

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CCGs Children Commissioning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

Inequalities in health outcomes and how they must be addressed

By The Children’s Commissioner (2012)

A paper by the children’s watchdog for England examined inequalities in health service outcomes for children, and made a series of recommendations for tackling them.

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Public Mental Health Young People

Costs of eating disorders in England: Economic impacts of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other disorders, focussing on young people

By Pro Bono Economics and Beat (2012)

A newly released report carried out for Beat by a volunteer economist from the charity Pro Bono Economics (PBE) has found an overall estimated cost of £1.26 billion per year to the English economy from eating disorders – but this could be much higher.

Click here to view this report

Community Library Patient Satisfaction Third Sector

Do changes to patient-provider relationships improve quality and save money?

By The Health Foundation (2012)

A review of evidence about value improvements made by changing communication, collaboration and support for self-care.

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CCGs Commissioning Community CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease Stroke

Stroke rehabilitation in the community: commissioning for improvement

By NHS Improvement (2012)

An information resource for providers and commissioners of stroke rehabilitation and early supported discharge services in the community.

Click here to view this resource

CCGs Commissioning CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

COPD commissioning toolkit

By Department of Health (2012)

The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) commissioning toolkit is published for NHS commissioners and chief executives. It aims to make it easier to commission better outcomes for people with COPD by bringing together the clinical, financial and commercial aspects of commissioning in one place.

Click here to view this toolkit

CCGs Commissioning Library Local Government

Working with local government: a guide for GP Commissioners

By NHS Confederation (2012)

These briefings aim to help both GP commissioners and local authorities understand some of the structural and cultural differences between the NHS and local government.

Click here to view these briefings

CCGs Children Commissioning Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO

Making sense of commissioning maternity services in England: some issues for clinical commissioning groups to consider

By Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2012)

This guidance was produced in collaboration with the Royal College of Midwives and the National Childbirth Trust and aims to give CCGs advice and evidence-based information relating to some key issues to the commissioning and provision of maternity services in England.

Click here to view this guidance