Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Local Government Long-Term Conditions Mortality Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs

Public health in government: 1 year on

By Local Government Association (2014)

Public health made the formal transfer to local government in April 2013, with the hope of tackling the wider social and economic determinants of poor health. This publication aims to capture the thoughts of those working in the new system with contributions from councillors, directors of public health, providers, commissioners, GPs, academics and other key decision makers.

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Commissioning CVD Good Practice Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Mortality Respiratory Disease

Living well for longer: national support for local action to reduce premature avoidable mortality

By Department of Health (2014)

This document sets out how the health and care system aims to become amongst the best in Europe at reducing levels of avoidable mortality. Focusing on cancer, stroke, heart, liver and lung diseases, it sets out  examples of good practice and help for local commissioning and service delivery.

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Accident Prevention Community Safety CVD Health Protection (Emergency planning Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Well-Being

Fuel poverty: how to improve health and wellbeing through action on affordable warmth

By UK Health Forum (2014)

This guide aims to improve health and wellbeing through warm and healthy housing and reducing energy costs for vulnerable households. It aims to support public health teams and others working locally, such as members of health and wellbeing boards, and individuals and agencies involved in Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) processes.

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Care of the Elderly General Practice Guidance Integrated Care Licensing Long-Term Conditions Planning

Transforming primary care: safe, proactive, personalised care for those who need it most

By Department of Health (2014)

This guidance sets out plans for more proactive, personalised and joined up care, including the Proactive Care Programme, providing the 800,000 patients with the most complex health and care needs with a personal care and support plan; a named accountable GP; a professional to coordinate their care; and same-day telephone consultations. The plan builds on the role of primary care in keeping patients well and independent. It explains how professionals across the healthcare system can work together to transform care to become more proactive and tailored to patients’ individual need.

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Diabetes Type 2 Long-Term Conditions Nutrition Obesity

Blood sugar rush: diabetes time bomb in London

By London Assembly (2014)

This report finds that almost half a million Londoners are living with Type 2 diabetes and that the figure is set to increase exponentially over the coming years. It aims to find out what is driving the increase in Type 2 diabetes across London, and how the delivery of diabetes care is managed and where improvements can be made in providing that care.

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Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Mortality Nutrition Obesity Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs

Annual report of the Chief Medical Officer on the state of the public's health: Surveillance Volume, 2012

By Department of Health (2014)

As well as presenting data and evidence, the report also comments on overarching trends. This year, information in the report suggests that we may need to rethink what is regarded as ‘normal’ in relation to our health and our society. Some of the main themes discussed in the report are obesity, national data on blindness and deafness and active travel.

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Care of the Elderly CVD Healthy Settings Integrated Care Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Patient Experience Respiratory Disease

Accountable care organisations in the United States and England: testing, evaluating and learning what works

By The King’s Fund (2014)

The health system in England is facing a number of challenges including an ageing population, an increasing number of people with multiple, long-term conditions and a difficult financial climate. To meet these challenges, more integrated approaches to care delivery are needed to improve both the quality of care and patients’ experience. In the United States, ACOs – a group of providers that take responsibility for providing all the care for a given population for a specified period of time – have been developed to provide a more integrated approach to care.This paper describes the different types of ACOs emerging in the United States; presents some early evidence on their performance; assesses the future for ACOs; and discusses the implication of these developments for integrated care initiatives in England.

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Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Mortality Nutrition Obesity Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs

The future of public health: a horizon scan

By RAND Europe (2014)

Public Health England (PHE) commissioned RAND Europe to undertake a horizon scanning study exploring the future of public health and related scientific services. This work was intended to help inform thinking at the strategic level within PHE, firstly in relation to the wider vision of the Agency and, secondly, in relation to the proposals for the creation of an integrated public health science hub. The report focuses on the different future public health science needs and the extent to which an integrated science hub could serve PHE as it evolves over the next twenty years.

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Asthma Children Commissioning Long-Term Conditions Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Young People

Disease management information toolkit

By Child & Maternal Health Intelligence Network (2014)

We have updated the Disease Management Information Toolkit (DMIT) with data at clinical commissioning group (CCG) level for 2012/13.

DMIT is designed to help increase the efficiency of services for children with long-term conditions. The toolkit can be used to show performance for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy. It has information at clinical commissioning group (CCG) level on emergency hospital admissions for patients aged under 19 with a primary diagnosis of a particular condition. The toolkit enables CCGs to compare their emergency admission rates, bed-days and lengths of stay with a range of different comparators. It is designed to highlight variations at CCG level and allow benchmarking to inform the commissioning decision-making process for children’s services.

Care of the Elderly CVD Integrated Care Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Respiratory Disease

Providing integrated care for older people with complex needs

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This report synthesises evidence from seven case studies covering Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. It considers similarities and differences of programmes that are successfully delivering integrated care, and identifies lessons for policy-makers and service providers to help them address the challenges ahead. 

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