Care of the Elderly Dementia Length of Stay Long-Term Conditions

The impact of primary care quality on inpatient length of stay for people with dementia: an analysis by discharge destination

By Centre for Health Economics (2015)

This paper examines whether the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) dementia review helps to achieve timely hospital discharge for dementia patients. It found that on average the length of stay in hospital for dementia patients is 18 days and that QOF dementia review had little effect on the length of stay.

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Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Local Government Long-Term Conditions Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs

Health and social care priorities for the Government: 2015-2020

By The Nuffield Trust (2015)

This briefing outlines ten possible key health and social care priorities for the new government, covering funding and finance, quality of care, new models of care and workforce.

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Diabetes Type 2 Healthy Settings Long-Term Conditions Nutrition Obesity

Sugar and health

By House of Commons Library (2015)

Sugars can be added to food and drinks or occur naturally in fruit, vegetables and milk. A high sugar diet increases the risk of tooth decay and weight gain, and high consumption of sugar sweetened drinks is associated with type 2 diabetes. This paper describes trends in sugar consumption in the UK, the public health implications and outlines policy options

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Diabetes Guidance Long-Term Conditions Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Foot care services for people with diabetes

By London Diabetes Strategic Clinical Network (2015)

This service specification for commissioners aims to deliver equity of access to foot care for people with diabetes. It outlines the care and management to be provided for people with diabetes no matter the severity, urgency or progression of their disease.

Click here to view this guidance

Alcohol Care of the Elderly Good Practice Long-Term Conditions Patient Satisfaction Public Mental Health Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

Peer support: what is it and does it work?

By National Voices (2015)

This review found evidence that peer support can help people feel more knowledgeable, confident and happy, and less isolated and alone. It also showed that there is a limited understanding of the different forms of peer support, how best to deliver support and the forms of training and infrastructure to get the most impact from it. It concludes that further evidence is needed to fully understand the impact that peer support has on the health service and individuals with long-term health conditions.

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Care of the Elderly Guidance Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Long-Term Conditions Planning

Integrated care licence condition: guidance for providers of NHS-funded services

By Monitor (2015)

This guidance is for licensed providers of NHS-funded services in England and NHS trusts and it explains what is expected of NHS providers in relation to the integrated care licence condition and where Monitor may take action.

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CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Respiratory Disease

Collaborative tuberculosis strategy for England 2015 to 2020

By Public Health England (2015)

This strategy outlines how Public Health England and NHS England intend to organise and resource services to tackle tuberculosis (TB) from 2015 to 2020. It looks at using the assets that already exist in the NHS and the public health system to: support and strengthen local services in tackling TB (particularly in areas of high incidence); ensure clear lines of accountability and responsibility; and provide national support for local action.

Click here to view this strategy

Healthy Settings Information Library Long-Term Conditions Social Care Statistics Technology

Health and social care information sources: a guide for journalists

By Health & Social Care Information Centre (2015)

Health and social care information sources – a guide for journalists, England, 2015, is a resource for journalists, press teams and others with an interest in health and social care information. It is intended to signpost sources of some of the main areas of health and social care information in England.

The HSCIC produces over 220 national statistical publications per year, covering topics in health, technology and social care. These anonymised, aggregated figures provide a wealth of data and insight to the NHS and wider health and social care sectors, helping to plan services, identify trends and research into particular illnesses and conditions.

Click here to view this guide

Commissioning Long-Term Conditions Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Personalised care for long term conditions

By NHS England (2015)

These handbooks are aimed at supporting commissioners and practitioners in planning services for people with long term conditions (LTCs) in order to achieve more effective, personalised care. The guides cover three key areas: identifying people in the population with LTCs that are most vulnerable and at risk of unplanned hospital admissions; planning personalised care and support; and best-practice multi-disciplinary working across professional and organisational boundaries.

Click here to view these handbooks

Library Long-Term Conditions Self-Management

A rapid synthesis of the evidence on interventions supporting self-management for people with long-term conditions: PRISMS – Practical systematic RevIew of Self-Management Support for long-term conditions

By NHS National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (2015)

The aim of this research was to undertake a rapid, systematic overview of the evidence on self-management support for long-term conditions to inform health-care commissioners and providers about what works, for whom, and in what contexts.

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