CYP Healthcare Health Improvement Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Mortality Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Family friendly framework: a whole systems approach for the planning, delivery and improvement of services for children and families

By British Association for Community Child Health (2014)

This framework from the British Association for Community Child Health and the British Association for Child and Adolescent Public Health presents a practical whole systems approach to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families.

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Children Commissioning CYP Healthcare Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Infant Mortality Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning of public health services for children

By Department of Health (2014)

From 1st October 2015, the responsibility for commissioning children’s public health services, including health visitors, will transfer from NHS England to local authorities. These documents aim to help support local authorities and stakeholders through the transition. The documents identify 6 areas where health visitors have the most impact on children’s health and wellbeing. Local authorities should use this information to ensure that health visiting services are commissioned effectively.

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Children CYP Healthcare Infant Mortality Mortality Young People

Why children die: death in infants, children and young people in the UK

By Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health (2014)

This report published by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) reviews existing UK evidence on child mortality. It finds that many of the causes of child death, including perinatal deaths and suicides, disproportionately affect the most disadvantaged in society. In response to the report, the College in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau have developed a suite of recommendations to tackle child mortality in England. These recommendations cut across the three domains of government and civil society, health systems and organisations, and health care and public health.

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Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Local Government Long-Term Conditions Mortality Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs

Public health in government: 1 year on

By Local Government Association (2014)

Public health made the formal transfer to local government in April 2013, with the hope of tackling the wider social and economic determinants of poor health. This publication aims to capture the thoughts of those working in the new system with contributions from councillors, directors of public health, providers, commissioners, GPs, academics and other key decision makers.

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CYP Healthcare Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Maternal Nutrition

Can food vouchers improve nutrition and reduce health inequalities in low-income mothers and young children: a multi-method evaluation of the experiences of beneficiaries and practitioners of the Healthy Start programme in England

McFadden, A. et al. BMC Public Health, 2014; 14:148

Good nutrition is important during pregnancy, breastfeeding and early life to optimise the health of women and children. It is difficult for low-income families to prioritise spending on healthy food. Healthy Start is a targeted United Kingdom (UK) food subsidy programme that gives vouchers for fruit, vegetables, milk, and vitamins to low-income families. This paper reports an evaluation of Healthy Start from the perspectives of women and health practitioners.

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Children CYP Healthcare Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Infant Feeding Infant Mortality

Healthy start: understanding the use of vouchers and vitamins

By The University of York et al. (2013)

This is the full report of an evaluation of the Healthy Start programme. The main aims of this study were: to look how the Healthy Start scheme works from the point of view of women using it and health professionals; and to provide evidence for how it could work better.

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Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Mortality Nutrition Obesity Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs

Annual report of the Chief Medical Officer on the state of the public's health: Surveillance Volume, 2012

By Department of Health (2014)

As well as presenting data and evidence, the report also comments on overarching trends. This year, information in the report suggests that we may need to rethink what is regarded as ‘normal’ in relation to our health and our society. Some of the main themes discussed in the report are obesity, national data on blindness and deafness and active travel.

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Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Mortality Nutrition Obesity Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs

The future of public health: a horizon scan

By RAND Europe (2014)

Public Health England (PHE) commissioned RAND Europe to undertake a horizon scanning study exploring the future of public health and related scientific services. This work was intended to help inform thinking at the strategic level within PHE, firstly in relation to the wider vision of the Agency and, secondly, in relation to the proposals for the creation of an integrated public health science hub. The report focuses on the different future public health science needs and the extent to which an integrated science hub could serve PHE as it evolves over the next twenty years.

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Cancer Children CYP Healthcare Good Practice Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Infant Mortality

Children and young people with cancer

By NICE (February 2014)

This quality standard covers the provision of all aspects of cancer services for children and young people with cancer. For this quality standard, children are defined as aged 0–15 years and young people as 16–24 years, though this is not a formal upper age limit because the needs and circumstances of individuals will vary, including their need to access age-specific services.

Click here to view this quality standard

Children CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Immunisation Infant Mortality Licensing Planning Safeguarding seasonal mortality) Young People

Evaluation of vaccine uptake during the 2013 MMR catch-up campaign in England

By Public Health England (2014)

This report finds that in the first 3 months of 2013 there was an increase in number of cases of measles in England compared to previous years, which was most marked among 10 to 16 year-olds. A national catch-up campaign was launched in April 2013 with the objective of ensuring that 95% of children aged 10 to 16 years received at least one dose of MMR vaccine by 30 September 2013.

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