Healthy Settings Licensing Planning Prison Health

Public Health England Health & Justice Report 2014

By Public Health England (2015)

This report details the important changes in the health and justice system and discusses the public health needs of people in prisons and other prescribed places of detention. It found that this group experienced a number of health inequalities, including suffering a higher burden of chronic illnesses, mental health and substance misuse problems than the general public. It argues that improving health in prisons can help deal with entrenched inequalities, ultimately benefiting the health of the communities to which the majority of prisoners return, while tackling substance misuse problems in prisons also helps to reduce re-offending rates.

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Healthy Settings Licensing Planning Primary Care Commissioning

NHS Greater Manchester Primary Care Demonstrator Evaluation

By Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) Greater Manchester (2015)

As part of its 2013 Primary Care Commissioning Strategy, NHS England (Greater Manchester) funded a programme of six ‘demonstrator communities’ to implement and test new and innovative ways of delivering primary care services, with a key focus on increased access to general practice, integration and the use of technology. This report outlines the findings from an evaluation of these pilot sites, particularly in relation to the utilisation of seven-day services and the relationship between increased GP appointment availability and A&E or urgent care admissions

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Commissioning Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Options for integrated commissioning: beyond Barker

By The King’s Fund (2015)

With around 400 separate local organisations each responsible for commissioning different health and social care services, the current organisational landscape is fragmented and unsustainable. Support is growing for a new settlement based on a single ring-fenced budget and a single local commissioner – as recommended by the Independent Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England, chaired by Kate Barker. This report explores the options for implementing that recommendation. It assesses evidence of past joint commissioning attempts, studies the current policy framework and local innovations in integrated budgets and commissioning, and considers which organisation is best place to take on the role of single local commissioner. It draws together findings from a body of work including a survey of existing joint arrangements, current evidence and examples, a seminar with pioneers of integration developments, and a national conference on integrated commissioning.

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Alcohol impact Licensing Planning Tobacco & Drugs

Alcohol: cumulative impact policies

By House of Commons Library (2015)

This briefing paper discusses cumulative impact policies which are a tool for licencing authorities to limit the growth of licenced premises in problem areas.

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General Practice Licensing Patient Choice Patient Satisfaction Planning Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Exploring patient choice in GP services

By Monitor (2014)

The report presents the findings of a review into how GP services are working for patients, with a specific focus on the role of choice and competition. The review drew on a variety of sources of evidence; a commissioned survey of 3,200 patients, interviews with 25 GP providers and spoke to and gathered information from NHS England, CQC and other stakeholders.

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CCGs Commissioning Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

A guide for CCGs: engaging the public in difficult decisions about health service

By NHS Clinical Commissioners (2015)

This guide draws on case studies of three different reconfiguration programmes and offers some tips on how to get your engagement right.

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Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Patient Experience Planning

Examining new options and opportunities for providers of NHS care: The Dalton Review

By The Dalton Review (2014)

Sir David Dalton has conducted a review for the government on new options for providers of NHS care. The Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Chief Executive considered issues such as whether local or non-geographical networks of hospitals and services could be brought together under a single leadership team. The review also explores how high-performing NHS organisations might lend their support to providers in difficulty.

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Healthy Settings Licensing Local Government Patient Experience Planning

Whitehall monitor: deep impact? how government departments measured their impact, 2010-15

By Institute for Government (2015)

This report looks at one element of the Coalition’s performance measurement regime: impact indicators. These, part of each department’s business plans (which set out the actions each department would take), were designed ‘to help the public to judge whether our policies and reforms are having the effect they want’. This publication pulls together all the available data on the indicators and how they’ve moved over the parliament.

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Care of the Elderly Guidance Healthy Settings Integrated Care Licensing Long-Term Conditions Planning

Integrated care licence condition: guidance for providers of NHS-funded services

By Monitor (2015)

This guidance is for licensed providers of NHS-funded services in England and NHS trusts and it explains what is expected of NHS providers in relation to the integrated care licence condition and where Monitor may take action.

Click here to view this guidance

Finance Licensing Local Government Planning

Public money, local choice

By CIPFA (2015)

This interim report explains the themes and ideas that have been presented
to the Commission, outlines our emerging thinking, and seeks feedback on how
these ideas can be developed. The Commission’s purpose is not to lobby for extra
money but to propose a finance system that enables local communities to determine a level of funding to meet local decisions on service provision. The sustained cuts to councils’ central Government grant gives reform a new imperative — in an age of austerity we need to ensure that public sector funding is used effectively and creatively to support local and national ambition.

Click here to view this interim report