Care of the Elderly Public Mental Health

World Alzheimer report 2013: journey of caring: an analysis of long-term care for dementia

By Alzheimer’s Disease International (2013)

This report reveals that, as the world population ages, the traditional system of “informal” care by family, friends, and community will require much greater support. It finds that globally, 13% of people aged 60 or over require long-term care but between 2010 and 2050, the total number of older people with care needs will nearly treble from 101 to 277 million.

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Care of the Elderly Commissioning Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Giving older people a voice: the case for an older people's commissioner for England

By Centre Forum (2013)

This report calls for the introduction of an Older People’s Commissioner for England in order to act as a strong advocate for older people, fighting their corner in policymaking circles, challenging discrimination, championing their contribution to society and the economy, and spearheading the future proofing of English policy development across government to prepare for the challenges posed by an ageing society.

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Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Patient Safety seasonal mortality)

NHS safety thermometer

By Health & Social Care Information Centre (2013)

The NHS Safety Thermometer is a local improvement tool for measuring, monitoring and analysing patient harms and ‘harm free’ care.

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Care of the Elderly Community Health Protection (Emergency planning Public Mental Health seasonal mortality) Well-Being

Social isolation, loneliness, and all-cause mortality in older men and women

Steptoe, A. et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, March 25th 2013;  doi: 10.1073/pnas.1219686110

Both social isolation and loneliness are associated with increased
mortality, but it is uncertain whether their effects are independent
or whether loneliness represents the emotional pathway through
which social isolation impairs health. We therefore assessed the
extent to which the association between social isolation and
mortality is mediated by loneliness. We assessed social isolation
in terms of contact with family and friends and participation in
civic organizations in 6,500 men and women aged 52 and older
who took part in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing in
2004–2005. A standard questionnaire measure of loneliness was
administered also. We monitored all-cause mortality up to March
2012 (mean follow-up 7.25 y) and analyzed results using Cox proportional
hazards regression. We found that mortality was higher
among more socially isolated and more lonely participants. However,
after adjusting statistically for demographic factors and
baseline health, social isolation remained significantly associated
with mortality (hazard ratio 1.26, 95% confidence interval, 1.08–
1.48 for the top quintile of isolation), but loneliness did not (hazard
ratio 0.92, 95% confidence interval, 0.78–1.09). The association
of social isolation with mortality was unchanged when loneliness
was included in the model. Both social isolation and loneliness
were associated with increased mortality. However, the effect of
loneliness was not independent of demographic characteristics or
health problems and did not contribute to the risk associated with
social isolation. Although both isolation and loneliness impair
quality of life and well-being, efforts to reduce isolation are likely
to be more relevant to mortality.

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Care of the Elderly Community Dementia Public Mental Health

Oxleas advanced dementia service: supporting carers and building resilience

By The Kings Fund (2013)

This case study looks at Oxleas Advanced Dementia Service, which provides care co-ordination, and specialist palliative care and support to patients with advanced dementia living at home. It is part of a research project undertaken by The King’s Fund and funded by Aetna and the Aetna Foundation in the United States to compare five successful UK-based models of care.

Click here to view this case study

Care of the Elderly Community Dementia Public Mental Health Well-Being

Building dementia friendly communities: a priority for everyone

By The Alzheimer’s Society (August 2013)

This report finds that while there are some excellent examples of community provision for dementia, less than half of survey respondents think their area is set up to help them live well with dementia (42%). Results also become considerably lower the more advanced the person’s dementia is. Findings show that there is significant goodwill in the community to help people with dementia live well. The report states that not only do people feel that dementia-friendly places would be better for everyone, but that for every one person with dementia that is able to stay in their own home for a year longer, rather than entering residential care, £11,000 would be saved.

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Care of the Elderly Health Promotion Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings seasonal mortality)

The World Health Report 2013: research vital to universal health coverage

By World Health Organisation (2013)

WHO calls on all countries to invest in and produce research to develop universal health coverage tailored to their country needs. “The world health report 2013: research for universal health coverage” is launched today.

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Care of the Elderly Health Protection (Emergency planning seasonal mortality)

Excess winter mortality 2012-2013

By Public Health England (2013)

This report presents observations from routine mortality surveillance work done by the Respiratory Diseases Department (RDD) within PHE. It shows that excess all-cause mortality has been high among elderly people in 2012 to 2013.

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Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Safety Healthy Settings Patient Experience Patient Safety Safeguarding Secondary Care

A promise to learn: a commitment to act: improving the safety of patients in England

By National Advisory Group on the Safety of Patients in England (2013)

This report is the result of the Berwick Review which looked at patient safety following the publication of the Francis Report into the breakdown of care at Mid Staffordshire Hospitals. It highlights the main problems affecting patient safety in the NHS and makes recommendations to address them.

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Care of the Elderly Commissioning Integrated Care Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Cost effective commissioning for continence care

By All Party Parliamentary Group For Continence Care (2013)

This guide illustrates the importance of continence care and sets out how to commission and deliver a quality integrated service which meets patient’s needs and is cost-effective to the NHS.

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