Care of the Elderly CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Patient Experience Patient Satisfaction Respiratory Disease

Towards whole person care

By Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) (December 2013)

This paper reviews the case for change in the English health and care system and considers how to move towards a ‘whole person care’ approach. It sets out broad themes on creating a health and care system that is fit for the future. It makes a case for a number of person-centred guarantees at the heart of the vision for whole person care, focused on people with long-term conditions and older people.

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Care of the Elderly Dementia Minority Groups Public Mental Health

Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities and dementia: where are we now?

By Race Equality Foundation (November 2013)

In a new briefing paper, produced as part of the Race Equality Foundation’s Better Health collection, David Trustwell argues that a more targeted approach for black and minority ethnic people with dementia and their carers is essential.  Highlighting an innovative pathway approach to living well with dementia, Trustwell suggests using ‘community dementia navigators’, befrienders who provide support to people living with dementia and help them to find their way around the health and social care system.  Furthermore, by providing improved training in cultural competency amongst professionals across the care pathway, people with dementia from black and minority ethnic communities can be supported throughout their diagnosis and treatment. He argues that such an approach would help to tackle rising costs by reducing the rate of transfers to more expensive residential care, and the number of costly unscheduled hospital admissions or transfers to residential care for complex, late presenting black and minority ethnic patients who have been living with undiagnosed dementia needs.

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Care of the Elderly Health Protection (Emergency planning seasonal mortality)

Excess winter mortality in England and Wales, 2012/13 (provisional) and 2011/12 (final)

By Office for National Statistics (November 2013)

Key findings

  • An estimated 31,100 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in 2012/13 – a 29% increase compared with the previous winter.
  • As in previous years, there were more excess winter deaths in females than in males in 2012/13.
  • Between 2011/12 and 2012/13 male excess winter deaths increased from 10,590 to 13,100, and female deaths from 13,610 to 18,000.
  • The majority of deaths occurred among those aged 75 and over; there were 25,600 excess winter deaths in this age group in 2012/13 compared with 5,500 in people aged under 75.
  • The excess winter mortality index was highest in the North West in 2012/13 and lowest in London. London had the highest level of excess winter mortality in 2011/12.

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Care of the Elderly Immunisation Licensing Older people Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Immune response: adult immunisation in the UK: improving access to vaccination for older people

By International Longevity Centre (November 2013)

This report sets out an argument for adult immunisation in the UK as a preventative public health intervention within broader healthy ageing strategies as a cost-effective measure. It highlights a number of policy recommendations that include: JSNAs taking a life-course approach to immunisation; health and wellbeing boards ensuring that that life-course vaccination is adequately considered as part of health planning and commissioning; and that commissioning arrangements for immunisation should support the uptake of adult vaccination.

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Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Community Safety Health Promotion Healthy Settings Licensing Planning Safeguarding Well-Being

Loneliness resource pack

By Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2013)

This set of resources aims to help individuals, groups, communities and neighbourhoods take a closer look at and to reduce loneliness. It includes a briefing on the causes of loneliness; guidance; and session plans.

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Care of the Elderly Dementia Public Mental Health

'Mind the gap': mapping London's dementia advocacy services

By Dementia Advocacy Network (2013)

This report includes the findings from DAN’s recent mapping project of dementia advocacy services in all 33 London boroughs. 142 organisations were contacted, with 26 identified as currently providing some level of advocacy for people with dementia in 27 of the 33 boroughs. There were also variations in the level of capacity of those 26 organisations due to eligibility criteria or workforce limitations.

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Care of the Elderly End of Life Care

What we know now 2013: new information collated by the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network

By Public Health England (2013)

This report collates information and intelligence collected by the National End of Life Intelligence Care Network and partners over the last year. Key findings from the report include that the proportion of people dying at home or in care homes increased from 38 per cent in 2008 to 44 per cent in 2012. It also reports large variations in the proportion of deaths in hospital by local authority area, though the reasons for this are complex.

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Care of the Elderly Community Dementia Public Mental Health Social Care

Peer support networks and dementia advisers: evaluation

By Department of Health (March 2013)

This report, commissioned by the Department of Health, provides evidence on the importance of post diagnostic support for people with dementia and their carers, and the role that dementia advisers and peer support networks can provide in this.

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Care of the Elderly

The dynamics of aging: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging 2002-2010

By The Institute for Fiscal Studies (2013)

The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing is a multidisciplinary study of a representative sample of men and women aged 50 years and over living in England. This report launches the fifth wave of data collection, carried out in 2010-11. This report discusses the evolution of pension wealth and contribution dynamics; change in social detachment; and the psychological well-being, health and functioning of older people in England.

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Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Licensing Local Government Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health seasonal mortality) Secondary Care Social Care Well-Being

Is the quality of care in England getting better?

By the Nuffield Trust (October 2013)

This report, in partnership with the Health Foundation, provides an overview of initial research into the quality of health and social care services in England. The assessment draws on analysis of nearly 150 quality indicators spanning primary care and community services, hospital care, mental health services and social care. These have been evaluated in relation to six domains of care quality: access; safety; effectiveness; person-centred care and experience; capacity; and equity. A longer version of this report will be published later this autumn.

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