Cancer Care of the Elderly Commissioning CVD Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Respiratory Disease

Mapping the market II: commissioning support services

By NHS England (2014)

Mapping the Market II: Commissioning Support Services, is a sixty-page report that showcases services for clinical commissioners offered by voluntary sector organisations (VSOs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The publication, launched at a reception at the NHS Expo in Manchester, contains 12 in-depth interviews with VSO leaders from charities such as MacMillan Cancer Support, Alzheimer’s Society and Turning Point.
It also features a further 15 interviews with SME leaders from organisations such as Dr. Associates and Outcomes Based Healthcare, resulting in the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to the commissioning support market for anyone involved in commissioning healthcare in the UK.

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Care of the Elderly Licensing Patient Safety Patient Satisfaction Planning

Making our health and care systems fit for an aging population

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This report sets out a framework and tools to help local service leaders improve the care they provide for older people across nine key components. Within each component of care, the report sets out the goal the system should aim for, presents key evidence about works, gives examples of local innovations, and some pointers to major reviews and relevant guidance. It argues that if the health and care systems can get services right for our older population – those with the highest complexity, activity, spend, variability, and use of multiple services – they should be easier to get it right for other service users.

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Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Licensing Planning seasonal mortality)

Community services: how they can transform care

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This paper looks at the changes needed to realise the full potential of community services for transforming care. It finds that while the emphasis on moving care closer to home has resulted in some reductions in length of hospital stay, it is now time to focus on the bigger issue of how services need to change to fundamentally transform care.

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Care of the Elderly Healthy Settings Licensing Local Government Planning Social Care

Care and support reform implementation

By Local Government Association (2014)

Catering for the health and care needs of our growing and ageing population is a national priority. Reforming our care and support system is vital for us to be able to meet this challenge. The Local Government Association (LGA), Association of Directors and Adult Social Services (ADASS) and Department of Health are working in partnership to support local areas in implementation of the care and support reforms in the context of the other changes and challenges for local health and care systems, including the Better Care Fund.

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Care of the Elderly CVD Integrated Care Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Respiratory Disease

Providing integrated care for older people with complex needs

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This report synthesises evidence from seven case studies covering Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. It considers similarities and differences of programmes that are successfully delivering integrated care, and identifies lessons for policy-makers and service providers to help them address the challenges ahead. 

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Care of the Elderly Dementia Guidance Public Mental Health

The triangle of care: carers included: a guide to best practice for dementia care

By Royal College of Nursing (2014)

The triangle of care is a model for dementia care that supports a partnership approach between the person with dementia (the patient), the staff member and carer. It is designed to ensure that carers are appropriately included and involved in the care of people with dementia, particularly in hospital settings.

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Care of the Elderly Dementia Good Practice Public Mental Health

Dementia friendly Yorkshire: first steps on the journey

By Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2014)

This collection contains 20 examples of inspiring grassroots dementia-friendly projects transforming communities across Yorkshire. These projects are taking place in shops, churches, mosques, gurdwaras, legal services and cafes, and in public services such as transport, museums, hospitals, trading standards, schools, libraries, and sports centres. Local ‘champions’ are behind most of this work, and show how we can each play our role in making our own community or organisation a welcoming and supportive place for people with dementia.

Click here to view these examples

Care of the Elderly End of Life Care Patient Experience Well-Being

A better life: valuing our later years

By Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2013)

Hundreds of thousands of older people need  a great deal of support. This book presents a  vision of what life can be like, and should be  like, for all of us as we get older. This vision is  not unattainable, it is about being recognised  as individuals, with our own passions,  preferences and interests. It is about having a  network of meaningful relationships, about  being able to get the right support – no  matter where we live. It is about being looked  after by staff who are confident, who are able  to relate to us and who are appreciated for  the work they do. It is about new ideas, but  also simple things that can matter a lot, like  being able to get outdoors. It is about older  people speaking up and driving change.

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Care of the Elderly Dementia Public Mental Health

Dementia: a state of the nation report on dementia care and support in England

By Department of Health (2013)

This Dementia report, with its accompanying map of variation, available at, shines a light on the quality of dementia care in England. The very best services are excellent and show what is possible. But the worst show that we still have some way to go. The message is clear: we can and must do better.

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Care of the Elderly Minority Groups

2013 rural ageing research summary report of findings

By Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (2013)

This research explored the impact of ageing populations in rural areas for service design and delivery. It finds that rural areas face disproportionate challenges arising from an ageing population, compared with urban areas, not least as nearly a quarter of all older people live in rural areas, and as they age their requirements for access to services such as health, transport, and social services are likely to increase.

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