Care of the Elderly Commissioning Community General Practice Guidance

Fir for Frailty: Guidance for GPs, Geriatricians, Health Service managers, social service managers and commissioners of services

By The British Geriatrics Society (2015)

Part 1 – Consensus best practice guidance for the care of older people living with frailty in community and outpatient settings

Click here to view part 1

Part 2 – Developing, commissioning and managing services for people living with frailty in community settings

Click here to view part 2

Accident Prevention Alcohol Cancer Care of the Elderly Community Safety CVD CYP Healthcare Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infant Mortality Infection Control Library Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Long-Term Conditions Mortality Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Tobacco & Drugs


20 ebooks relating to Public Health have been purchased and are all freely accessible to all Public Heath Lancashire staff with an Athens username and password. 

To view these books and apply for an Athens username click on the ‘New eBooks’ tab on the blogs homepage

Care of the Elderly CYP Healthcare Food Poverty Poverty

Feeding Britain: a strategy for zero hunger in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

By All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Hunger in the United Kingdom (2014)

The report of the all-party parliamentary inquiry into hunger in the United Kingdom considers the extent and causes of hunger in Britain and the scope of provision to alleviate it. It includes recommendations on parenting and hunger in schools.

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Care of the Elderly Integrated Care Older people

I'm still me….a narrative for coordinated support for older people

By National Voices (2014)

This document, produced in collaboration with UCLPartners and Age UK, sets out how integrated care and support looks and feels to older people and is written from their point of view. It outlines five themes that older people say are key to coordinated support: independence, community interactions, decision making, care and support and terminology.

Click here to view this document

Care of the Elderly Finance Older people

Going home alone: counting the cost to older people and the NHS

By Royal Voluntary Service (2014)

This report, written in association with The King’s Fund, argues that older people returning home from hospital without enough support are more than twice as likely to be readmitted within three months. It argues that older people and their families, doctors, nurses, other charities, the general public and commissioners working together we can challenge the rising readmission rates for older people, to the benefit of everyone.

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Care of the Elderly Commissioning Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Public health responses to an ageing society: opportunities and challenges

By International Longevity Centre (2014)

This report explores the extent to which England’s public health structures are able to respond to the ageing population after the reforms introduced by the Health and Social Care Act 2012. It argues that some localities are embracing the opportunities provided by their new public health responsibilities, by taking a life-course approach to health and by commissioning services that both encourage healthy ageing and improve the health of the current old. However, it argues that some local authorities still need support to deliver effective policies in an area as complex and fast-changing as public health. 

Click here to view this report

Care of the Elderly Dementia Public Mental Health

Dementia: opportunity for change

By The Alzheimer’s Society (2014)

This report provides a snapshot of how well people with dementia are living in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It draws together evidence from a survey of over 1,000 people with dementia

Click here to view this report

Care of the Elderly Healthy Settings Library Licensing Planning Social Care

A new settlement of health and social care: final report

By The King’s Fund (September 2014)

The Barker Report proposes a new approach that redesigns care around individual needs regardless of diagnosis, with a graduated increase in support as needs rise, particularly towards the end of life.

Click here to view this report

Cancer Care of the Elderly CYP Healthcare Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Infant Feeding Infection Control Library Long-Term Conditions Mortality Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Sexual Health

Public Health England marketing strategy

By Public Health England (2014)

Our new national public health system represents a once in a lifetime
opportunity to improve people’s lives. In this document Public Health England’s
national health marketing team outlines how it will support this new system
to deliver.

Click here to view this strategy

Care of the Elderly Dementia Long-Term Conditions Public Mental Health

Improving dementia: long-term care: a policy blueprint

By RAND Corporation (2014)

This document aims to provide a foundation upon which to build consensus among a set of stakeholders to set priorities and the sequencing of policy recommendations. The authors identified 25 high-impact policy options covering five broad objectives to improve dementia long-term services and supports delivery system, workforce, and financing.

Click here to view this document