CCGs Commissioning Finance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Managing financial difficulties in health economies: lessons for clinical commissioning groups

By The Nuffield Trust (2013)

This report examines why some health economies have been more successful than others in balancing their finances and outlines some key lessons for clinical commissioning groups. It suggests that effectively managing finances is a careful balancing act between delivering short-term balance and strategic planning; between challenge and collaboration; and between an internal and economy-wide focus.

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Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Licensing Local Government Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health seasonal mortality) Secondary Care Social Care Well-Being

Is the quality of care in England getting better?

By the Nuffield Trust (October 2013)

This report, in partnership with the Health Foundation, provides an overview of initial research into the quality of health and social care services in England. The assessment draws on analysis of nearly 150 quality indicators spanning primary care and community services, hospital care, mental health services and social care. These have been evaluated in relation to six domains of care quality: access; safety; effectiveness; person-centred care and experience; capacity; and equity. A longer version of this report will be published later this autumn.

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CCGs Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Transforming participation in health and care

By NHS England (September 2013)

This guidance aims to support commissioners to improve individual and public participation and to better understand and respond to the needs of the communities they serve. It highlights a range of ways in which NHS commissioners can fulfil their statutory responsibilities and seize the opportunity to deliver personalised and responsive care to all. It includes a range of tools, resources and case studies that commissioners will find useful when developing their own responses.

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Good Practice Health Inequality Health Promotion Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Licensing Minority Groups Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners seasonal mortality)

Implementing a health 2020 vision: governance for health in the 21st century

By WHO (2013)

This review of inequities in health across the 53 Member States of the Region was commissioned to support the development of the new European policy framework for health and well-being, Health 2020. The report builds on the global evidence and recommends policies to reduce health inequities and the health divide across all countries, including those with low incomes.

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General Practice Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Securing the future of general practice: new models of primary care

By Nuffield Trust (2013)

This report from the Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund examines the new GP organisations forming to allow care provision at greater scale.

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Care of the Elderly Commissioning Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Giving older people a voice: the case for an older people's commissioner for England

By Centre Forum (2013)

This report calls for the introduction of an Older People’s Commissioner for England in order to act as a strong advocate for older people, fighting their corner in policymaking circles, challenging discrimination, championing their contribution to society and the economy, and spearheading the future proofing of English policy development across government to prepare for the challenges posed by an ageing society.

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Commissioning Guidance Local Government Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Delivering effective local healthwatch: key success features

By Local Government Association (2013)

This document is a refresh of Developing effective local Healthwatch. It is hoped that this document will help councils to better understand the commissioning of local Healthwatch and review how well their local Healthwatch delivers its roles and responsibilities. It can also help local Healthwatch develop their understanding of what is expected of them and how they can deliver best practice.

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Health Inequality Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners seasonal mortality)

Reducing health inequalities: the challenge of public health

By The British Council (2013)

This think piece suggests that a solution to tackling inequalities in public health lies with creating co-produced services which utilise the assets within people. It draws from findings of the People Powered Health project, as well as horizon scans from around the world to explore the capacity within people and communities to help themselves and each other.

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Children Commissioning Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Young People

How healthy behaviour supports children's well-being

By Public Health England (August 2013)

This briefing aims to provide a useful resource for a range of agencies, including local authority public health teams, children’s commissioners and providers of children’s services, schools, children’s centres, youth workers and parents/carers. Wellbeing is linked with an individual’s physical health, health behaviours and resilience. This briefing focuses on the association between health behaviour and wellbeing in children, drawing on a new analysis of two existing datasets, and findings from the wider academic literature.

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CCGs Commissioning Continuing Care CVD Finance Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Respiratory Disease

Personal health budgets: challenges for commissioners and policy-makers

By The Nuffield Trust (2013)

From 2014, personal health budgets will be offered to people in receipt of continuing care. This report looks at what they are, how they will work in practice, and the issues they raise.

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