Accident Prevention Community Safety Finance General Practice Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning and funding general practice: making the case for family care networks

By The King’s Fund (2014)

The pressure of a growing and ageing population (many of whom have long-term conditions, compounded by risk factors like obesity, smoking and alcohol misuse), is made all the more pressing by the well-documented financial challenges that the entire health system faces – but are keenly felt within general practice. For a number of years, we have been making the case for the central role that general practice should play in delivering integrated care, alongside colleagues in the community, social and acute care. We have recently worked with four groups of general practices across England that are already working in this way, adapting local contracting and funding streams to influence the way they work together with local providers to deliver services to better meet the specific needs of their population. However, the technicalities of these contracting and funding streams are complex and not well understood by many general practices across the country. This prevents many from innovating in a similar way.

In Commissioning and funding for general practice, we argue for a new approach to funding general practice, where GPs take control of a population-based capitated contract that enables them to either provide or ‘buy’ services for the patients on their registered list. Commissioners would build certain outcomes into this contract, but would not specify how they are to be delivered – practices would be responsible for finding ways to work together and in partnership with other providers to deliver care that achieves these outcomes. Over time, we see ‘family care networks’ emerging that provide forms of care well beyond what is currently available in general practices.

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Commissioning Finance Health Promotion Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Well-Being

'Any Town' toolkit

By NHS England (2014)

This toolkit uses high level health system modelling and allows CCGs to map how interventions could improve local health services and close the financial gap. It is an additional guide to help commissioners with their five-year strategic plans, showing how a typical CCG could achieve financial balance over the strategic period up to 2018/19. Using 2013/14 as a baseline, ‘Any town’ uses detailed data including population size and disease prevalence, to predict what a typical health system’s quality and financial baseline may look like in 2018/19.

Click here to view this toolkit

Local Government Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Third Sector

Taking the lead: how clinical commissioning groups are changing the face of the NHS

By NHS Clinical Commissioners (2014)

This publication brings together a collection of CCG success stories and describes how a number of CCGs from across the country are unleashing the power of clinical leaders, working with local government, the voluntary sector, and others to improve services and change lives

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change Commissioning Guidance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Everyone counts: planning for patients 2014/15 to 2018/19

By NHS England (2014)

This guidance sets out the need for bold and ambitious five year
strategic plans from NHS commissioners. It describes an approach to
deliver transformational change with the first critical steps over the next
two years, to achieve the continued ambition to secure sustainable high
quality care for all, now and for future generations.

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Guidance Health Protection (Emergency planning Integrated Care Minority Groups Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners seasonal mortality) Sexual Health

Improving access to health care for Gypsies and Travellers, homeless people and sex workers

By RCGP (2013)

This guidance argues that radical changes are needed to meet the healthcare needs of vulnerable groups. It makes recommendations towards more communication and joined up working between health, social care and voluntary services targeted at marginalised groups; and greater integration between health and housing services to identify and treat health problems associated with poor living conditions.

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Good Practice Health Inequalities Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Improving the public's health: a resource for local authorities

By The King’s Fund (2013)

This report brings together a wide range of evidence-based interventions about ‘what works’ in improving public health and reducing health inequalities. It presents the business case for different interventions and signposts the reader to further resources and case studies.

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CCGs Diabetes Healthy Settings Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

State of the Nation 2013

By Diabetes UK (2013)

This report highlights the continuing challenge that diabetes continues to present to the NHS and that quality of care is uneven throughout the country. Checking against NICE standards people who live in the best-performing CCG area are four times more likely to be given eight of the vital health checks recommended by NICE as compared to people living in the worst-performing area. It argues that diabetes care is adequately funded but that the focus of the spending should be on prevention rather than treatment.

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CCGs Commissioning Licensing Planning Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Briefing for commissioners on the NHS provider licence

By Monitor (November 2013)

All providers of health care services for the NHS including independent providers, will require a Monitor licence from 1st April 2014, unless they are exempt. This document outlines the action commissioners now need to take to be ready for 1st April 2014.

Click here to view this briefing

Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning effective and efficient services to reduce avoidable sight loss

By Achieving Commissioning Excellence (November 2013)

This paper was developed to help commissioners understand how they can commission more efficient eye care services that support care closer to home where appropriate, and release capacity within secondary care in order to reduce avoidable sight loss.

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CCGs Commissioning Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Interim commissioning policies for non-specialised services

By NHS England

NHS England has today published 37 nationally consistent commissioning policies as part of its role as a direct commissioner for some non-specialised services. The policies, which are interim at this stage, are of particular benefit to the armed forces and health and justice populations as members of these communities are subject to changes in location which may disrupt the provision of their healthcare. All of the policies will be subject to further review by NHS England’s Clinical Reference Groups, and will be subject to full public consultation next year.

Click here to view these policies