Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Licensing Planning seasonal mortality)

Community services: how they can transform care

By The King’s Fund (2014)

This paper looks at the changes needed to realise the full potential of community services for transforming care. It finds that while the emphasis on moving care closer to home has resulted in some reductions in length of hospital stay, it is now time to focus on the bigger issue of how services need to change to fundamentally transform care.

Click here to view this briefing

Accident Prevention Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Mortality seasonal mortality)

Focus on: distance from home to emergency care

The Nuffield Trust (2014)

This QualityWatch Focus On report examines the typical distances
from home that people travel to receive emergency care, and how this has
changed over time. It explores the distances between a person’s home
and the hospital at which they attended A&E, or received an emergency
inpatient admission, using Hospital Episode Statistics from the 10-year
period from 2001/02 to 2011/12.

Click here to access the report

Alcohol Child Protection Children Health Protection (Emergency planning seasonal mortality) Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

A tobacco-free future: an all-island report on tobacco, inequalities and childhood

By Institute of Public Health in Ireland (2013)

The central aim of the report is to contribute to knowledge on the exposure of children to the harmful effects of tobacco smoke at various stages of their development. The findings of the report can support policy makers and service providers in their efforts to make tobacco-free childhoods a reality on the
island of Ireland.

Click here to view this report

Finance Health Protection (Emergency planning seasonal mortality)

How is the health and social care system performing? Quarterly monitoring report

By The King’s Fund (2014)

Our latest quarterly monitoring report shows that the NHS is holding up well against winter pressures so far, but financial pressures are increasing for hospitals.

The report suggests that 1 in 5 hospitals will be in deficit by the end of the financial year and also highlights concerns over low staff morale.

Click here to view this report

Accident Prevention Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Safeguarding seasonal mortality)

Behaviour change: individual approaches

By NICE (2013)

This guidance makes recommendations on individual-level interventions aimed at changing health-damaging behaviours among people aged 16 or over.

Click here to view this guidance

Guidance Health Protection (Emergency planning Integrated Care Minority Groups Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners seasonal mortality) Sexual Health

Improving access to health care for Gypsies and Travellers, homeless people and sex workers

By RCGP (2013)

This guidance argues that radical changes are needed to meet the healthcare needs of vulnerable groups. It makes recommendations towards more communication and joined up working between health, social care and voluntary services targeted at marginalised groups; and greater integration between health and housing services to identify and treat health problems associated with poor living conditions.

Click here to view this guidance

Accident Prevention Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning seasonal mortality)

Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the European Region: a progress report

By WHO (2013)

Noncommunicable diseases continue to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the European region. This report aims to demonstrate achievements made in the various proposed action areas, reporting the activities already undertaken and future plans. While the report reveals gaps and challenges faced in the achievement of desired objectives, it also highlights examples of innovation in contextualisation of interventions within various countries in the region.

Click here to view this report

Health Protection (Emergency planning Immunisation seasonal mortality)

Immunisation information for health professionals and immunisation practitioners

By Public Health England

Public Health England’s website to all things related to immunisation.

It includes all new and archived leaflets and posters.

Click here to view this website

Care of the Elderly Health Protection (Emergency planning seasonal mortality)

Excess winter mortality in England and Wales, 2012/13 (provisional) and 2011/12 (final)

By Office for National Statistics (November 2013)

Key findings

  • An estimated 31,100 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in 2012/13 – a 29% increase compared with the previous winter.
  • As in previous years, there were more excess winter deaths in females than in males in 2012/13.
  • Between 2011/12 and 2012/13 male excess winter deaths increased from 10,590 to 13,100, and female deaths from 13,610 to 18,000.
  • The majority of deaths occurred among those aged 75 and over; there were 25,600 excess winter deaths in this age group in 2012/13 compared with 5,500 in people aged under 75.
  • The excess winter mortality index was highest in the North West in 2012/13 and lowest in London. London had the highest level of excess winter mortality in 2011/12.

Click here to view these statistics

Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings seasonal mortality) Secondary Care Social Care

The state of health care and adult social care in England 2012/13

By Care Quality Commission (November 2013)

This year’s State of Care report looks at the pressures on A&E services due to an increase of admissions for ‘avoidable’ conditions. It also brings together the findings of more than 35,000 inspections to try and give a picture of the quality of health and social care services in 2012/13.

Click here to view this report