Accident Prevention Community Safety Finance General Practice Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Commissioning and funding general practice: making the case for family care networks

By The King’s Fund (2014)

The pressure of a growing and ageing population (many of whom have long-term conditions, compounded by risk factors like obesity, smoking and alcohol misuse), is made all the more pressing by the well-documented financial challenges that the entire health system faces – but are keenly felt within general practice. For a number of years, we have been making the case for the central role that general practice should play in delivering integrated care, alongside colleagues in the community, social and acute care. We have recently worked with four groups of general practices across England that are already working in this way, adapting local contracting and funding streams to influence the way they work together with local providers to deliver services to better meet the specific needs of their population. However, the technicalities of these contracting and funding streams are complex and not well understood by many general practices across the country. This prevents many from innovating in a similar way.

In Commissioning and funding for general practice, we argue for a new approach to funding general practice, where GPs take control of a population-based capitated contract that enables them to either provide or ‘buy’ services for the patients on their registered list. Commissioners would build certain outcomes into this contract, but would not specify how they are to be delivered – practices would be responsible for finding ways to work together and in partnership with other providers to deliver care that achieves these outcomes. Over time, we see ‘family care networks’ emerging that provide forms of care well beyond what is currently available in general practices.

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Commissioning Finance Health Promotion Licensing Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Well-Being

'Any Town' toolkit

By NHS England (2014)

This toolkit uses high level health system modelling and allows CCGs to map how interventions could improve local health services and close the financial gap. It is an additional guide to help commissioners with their five-year strategic plans, showing how a typical CCG could achieve financial balance over the strategic period up to 2018/19. Using 2013/14 as a baseline, ‘Any town’ uses detailed data including population size and disease prevalence, to predict what a typical health system’s quality and financial baseline may look like in 2018/19.

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Finance Public Mental Health Social Care

London mental health: the invisible costs of mental ill health

By Greater London Authority (2014)

The report investigates the scope and scale of mental ill health in London, to highlight the wider impacts beyond those to health and social care. These wider impacts result in around £26 billion each year in total economic and social costs to London and impact every facet of the community.

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Finance Health Protection (Emergency planning seasonal mortality)

How is the health and social care system performing? Quarterly monitoring report

By The King’s Fund (2014)

Our latest quarterly monitoring report shows that the NHS is holding up well against winter pressures so far, but financial pressures are increasing for hospitals.

The report suggests that 1 in 5 hospitals will be in deficit by the end of the financial year and also highlights concerns over low staff morale.

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Alcohol Finance Healthy Settings Tobacco & Drugs Value

Essential reading for smart spending: Dr Foster hospital guide 2013

By Dr Foster Intelligence (2013)

This report examines how financial austerity is affecting the way money is spent on hospital treatments; the impact of drug and alcohol problems on patients and hospitals; the quality of care at weekends; and the measurement of hospital mortality. The data has been presented in a series of posters which aim to celebrate good care and highlight areas of improvement.

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CCGs Commissioning Finance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Managing financial difficulties in health economies: lessons for clinical commissioning groups

By Nuffield Trust (20130

This report examines why some health economies have been more successful than others in balancing their finances and outlines some key lessons for clinical commissioning groups.

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CCGs Commissioning Finance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Managing financial difficulties in health economies: lessons for clinical commissioning groups

By The Nuffield Trust (2013)

This report examines why some health economies have been more successful than others in balancing their finances and outlines some key lessons for clinical commissioning groups. It suggests that effectively managing finances is a careful balancing act between delivering short-term balance and strategic planning; between challenge and collaboration; and between an internal and economy-wide focus.

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CCGs Commissioning Continuing Care CVD Finance Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Respiratory Disease

Personal health budgets: challenges for commissioners and policy-makers

By The Nuffield Trust (2013)

From 2014, personal health budgets will be offered to people in receipt of continuing care. This report looks at what they are, how they will work in practice, and the issues they raise.

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Community Finance Guidance Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

NICE support for commissioning psoriasis

By NICE (2013)

This document reviews the potential cost impact and implications for commissioners and service providers of the NICE quality standard for psoriasis. Because each NHS community will have differing levels of compliance with the standard, the precise cost impact of each standard cannot be estimated at a national level. Cost impact should be assessed locally using the commentary as a guide to areas that may need to be considered.

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Care of the Elderly CVD Finance Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Licensing Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Planning Respiratory Disease seasonal mortality) Value

More than medicine

By KPMG International (2013)

This report argues that ring-fencing budgets may not be enough to help the NHS deliver the support required by an ageing population, as unhealthy lifestyles and the number of patients suffering from multiple long-term conditions continue to take their toll on the UK’s healthcare services. It states that a complete overhaul of the healthcare operating model is needed if the NHS is to deliver better patient outcomes and care at lower costs. Key to this transformation, as pressure also increases to deliver higher quality care for less, will be the life sciences sector aligning its interests by partnering to share costs, data and risk to improve the value and effectiveness of the therapies offered to patients.

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