COPD CVD Good Practice Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease Safeguarding

Delivering better services for people with long term conditions

By The King’s Fund (October 2013)

This paper focuses on a co-ordinated service delivery model – the ‘house of care’ – that aims to deliver proactive, holistic and patient-centred care for people with long-term conditions.

The house of care model differs from others by encompassing all people with long-term conditions and assuming an active role for patients. This paper calls on the Department of Health and NHS England to collaborate on a coherent approach to care planning for people with long-term conditions.

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Good Practice Health Inequality Health Promotion Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Settings Licensing Minority Groups Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners seasonal mortality)

Implementing a health 2020 vision: governance for health in the 21st century

By WHO (2013)

This review of inequities in health across the 53 Member States of the Region was commissioned to support the development of the new European policy framework for health and well-being, Health 2020. The report builds on the global evidence and recommends policies to reduce health inequities and the health divide across all countries, including those with low incomes.

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Good Practice Healthy Settings Information Library Licensing Planning

Information: to share or not to share: Government response to the Caldicott Review

By Department of Health (September 2013)

The government accepts all the recommendations of the Caldicott report and highlights that while information sharing is essential to provide good care for everyone, there are rules that must be followed.

The ambitions of this response are that:

  • everyone will feel confident that information about their health and care is secure, protected and shared appropriately when that is in their interest
  • people will be better informed about how their information is used and shared while they are receiving care, including how it could be used in anonymised form for research, for public health and to create better services
  • if people don’t want their information to be shared in this way, they will know how to object if they want to
  • people will be increasingly able to access their own health and care records

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Community Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Settings Integrated Care Local Government Well-Being

Health 2020: a European policy framework and strategy for the 21st Century

By WHO (2013)

Health 2020 is a value- and evidence-based health policy framework for health and well-being among the people of the WHO European Region. Health 2020 focuses on improving health for all and reducing health inequalities, through improved leadership and governance for health. It focuses on today’s major health problems. It identifies four priority areas for policy action and is innovative in terms of responses across all levels and sectors of government and society, emphasizing developing assets and resilience within communities, empowerment and creating supportive environments. It details the strengthened roles of public health services and the health system.

Click here to view this policy framework

Alcohol Good Practice Health Promotion Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Smoking cessation: supporting people to stop smoking

By NICE (August 2013)

This quality standard on smoking cessation includes five statements designed to help improve the support offered to people who want to stop smoking. It recommends that primary care professionals ask patients whether they smoke, and that those who smoke are offered advice on how to stop. It also recommends that people who smoke are offered a referral to an evidence-based smoking cessation service.

Click here to view this quality standard

Asthma CCGs Commissioning CVD Good Practice Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Respiratory Disease

Designing and commissioning service for adults with asthma: a good practice guide

By Primary Care Commissioning (2013)

Asthma is one of the most challenging long term conditions for patients and the NHS – with the UK having the highest prevalence of asthma in the world. To help improve asthma care, PCC has produced a good practice guide with input from the major professional bodies, patient groups and health service managers. It sets out the 15 points that good asthma services need to include, with detailed advice for commissioners and service developers together with examples of good practice.

Click here to view this guide

Good Practice Library Patient Satisfaction Secondary Care Well-Being

Compassion in practice: nursing, midwifery and care staff our vision and strategy

By Department of Health (2013)

This strategy sets out our shared purpose as nurses, midwives and care
staff to deliver high quality, compassionate care, and to achieve
excellent health and wellbeing outcomes. It builds on the proposals set
out in the engagement strategy.

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COPD CVD Good Practice Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

The 2011 revision of the global strategy for the diagnosis, managment and prevention of COPD (GOLD) – why and what?

Vestbo, J. et al. The Clinical Respiratory Journal, 2012; 6(4): 208-214

The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) has published a strategy for diagnosis and for management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) since 2001 and this has formed the basis for numerous national and regional guidelines.OBJECTIVES: We describe the background for the 2011 revision of the GOLD document.METHODS: The GOLD document is updated annually and revised every 5 years based on published research as well as an evaluation by an expert panel of how to best formulate and disseminate knowledge on COPD.RESULTS: The GOLD 2011 revision states that spirometry is required for making a clinical diagnosis of COPD. At the same time, the document has less emphasis on spirometric evaluation of disease severity and launches a combined assessment taking symptoms, spirometry and history of exacerbations into account. This is matched with initial treatment for COPD where smoking cessation, pulmonary rehabilitation and physical activity in general are given high priority followed by pharmacologic treatment guided by the novel assessment scheme. Comorbidities are often present in COPD and the GOLD 2011 revision gives some guidance in how to manage these as well as how to manage COPD in the presence of comorbidities.CONCLUSION: A more clinically oriented
GOLD document will hopefully improve assessment and management of COPD.

Contact your local NHS health library to request this article (NHS STAFF ONLY)

Good Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Well-Being

District action on public health: how district councils contribute towards the new health and wellbeing agenda in local government

By District Councils’ Network (2013)

This report explores the district contribution to the new public health system in England. It demonstrates the sector’s impact across the wider determinants of health improvement and health protection, and provides essential information for public health stakeholders including best practice case studies of service delivery and public health collaboration in two-tier areas.

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Children Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Young People

Children and young people's health and wellbeing in changing times: shaping the future and improving outcomes

By NHS Institute (January 2013)

The purpose of this report is to support implementation of the health reforms to improve children and young people’s health and wellbeing. It makes key recommendations and provides support and evidence to national government and bodies, and local organisations and professionals. It shares best practice of where local areas are innovating effectively to improve health outcomes. The report builds on the findings of the CYPHO Forum’s report and urges the Government and national and local bodies to take action in key areas.

Click here to view this report