Children Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Young People

Children and young people's health and wellbeing in changing times: shaping the future and improving outcomes

By NHS Institute (January 2013)

The purpose of this report is to support implementation of the health reforms to improve children and young people’s health and wellbeing. It makes key recommendations and provides support and evidence to national government and bodies, and local organisations and professionals. It shares best practice of where local areas are innovating effectively to improve health outcomes. The report builds on the findings of the CYPHO Forum’s report and urges the Government and national and local bodies to take action in key areas.

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Alcohol Children Health Promotion Smoking Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Influence of Tobacco Displays and Ads on Youth: A Virtual Store Experiment

Kim, AE. et al. Journal of Pediatrics, 2013, 131(1): 1-10

The objective of this study was to examine the potential impact of banning tobacco displays and ads at the point of sale (POS) on youth outcomes.

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Alcohol Social Media Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Assessment of Young People's Exposure to Alcohol Marketing in Audiovisual and Online Media

By The Rand Corporation (2012)

The overall aim of the work presented in this report was to use novel approaches to measure alcohol advertisement exposure among young people in Europe through audiovisual and online media.

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Alcohol Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Binge – Drinking to get drunk: Influences on young adult drinking behaviours

By Alcohol Concern (2012)

Alcohol Concern and Balance, the North East Alcohol Office, collaborated to consult 1,000 young people aged 16-24 years across the UK about what defines and influences their age group’s relationship to alcohol. Price and promotion are identified as important influences on ‘binge’ drinking in the UK.

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Children General Practice Public Mental Health Young People

Talking self-harm

By Young Minds (2012)

This report argues that there is a need for more awareness about self-harm amongst young people, parents and professionals. It makes recommendations for more training for healthcare professionals and places emphasis on the need for guidance for GPs on how assessment tools such as NICE guidelines can support the consultation and referral process.

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Children Guidance Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Well-Being Young People

Social and emotional wellbeing for children and young people

By NICE (2012)

This guidance aims to help to strengthen home visiting and early education services, and recommends that health professionals are alert to any factors that may pose a risk to a child’s social and emotional wellbeing. It recommends that each health and wellbeing board should ensure that the social and emotional wellbeing of vulnerable children features in its health and wellbeing strategy, as one of the most effective ways of addressing health inequalities.

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Child Protection Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Well-Being Young People

Running away

By Ofsted (October 2012)

This report documents the views of children living in care and asks why they ran away. As well as this, children in care were asked what they thought the dangers of running away were and what could be done to prevent them running.

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Child Protection Healthy Settings Local Government Young People

Intelligent procurement of placements for looked after young people caught up in gang culture: Lewisham Borough Council

By Ofsted (October 2012)

This good practice report describes how Lewisham Council and its partners build upon existing, strong placement and procurement practice to make ‘intelligent’ use of available knowledge and information on individual young people and the placements available to them. Young people are offered placements in a safe and appropriate environment, where their needs are suitably met and their connections to the gang culture can be challenged and severed.

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Health Promotion Library Maternal Young People

Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom: a behavioural ecological perspective

Dickins, TE. et al. Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 2012; 6(3): 344-359

This article states that attempts to reduce high rates of teenage pregnancy and motherhood are unlikely to succeed if young women continued to face environmental risk and uncertainty. Environmental risk, including factors such as crime and vandalism, are a clear predictor of early pregnancy. Rather than investing in educational programmes, money would be better spent on the maintenance of at-risk neighbourhoods.

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Infant Feeding Young People

Early breastfeeding experiences of adolescent mothers: a qualitative prospective study

Smith, PH. et al. International Breastfeeding Journal, 2012; 7: 13

Teen mothers face many challenges to successful breastfeeding and are less likely to breastfeed than any other population group in the U.S. Few studies have investigated this population; all prior studies are cross-sectional and collect breastfeeding data retrospectively. The purpose of this qualitative prospective study was to understand the factors that contribute to the breastfeeding decisions and practices of teen mothers.

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