Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Well-Being Young People

Predicting wellbeing

By NatCen Social Research (2013)

This report identifies what factors predict high levels of wellbeing among various groups including children and young people. This study’s focus on the predictors of positive wellbeing is designed to inform policy across the Department of Health, Public Health England, and beyond. It is being published alongside the launch of a major new Change4Life campaign, which draws on this study’s findings.

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Children Commissioning Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Oral Health Physical Activity Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Young People

How healthy behaviour supports children's well-being

By Public Health England (August 2013)

This briefing aims to provide a useful resource for a range of agencies, including local authority public health teams, children’s commissioners and providers of children’s services, schools, children’s centres, youth workers and parents/carers. Wellbeing is linked with an individual’s physical health, health behaviours and resilience. This briefing focuses on the association between health behaviour and wellbeing in children, drawing on a new analysis of two existing datasets, and findings from the wider academic literature.

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Alcohol Children Smoking Tobacco & Drugs Young People

Efficacy of a Text Message-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Young People: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

Haug, S. et al. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2013; 15(8)

Smoking prevalence remains high, particularly among adolescents and young adults with lower educational levels, posing a serious public health problem. There is limited evidence of effective smoking cessation interventions in this population.

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Children Nutrition Obesity Young People

Adolescent obesity and nutrition: research summary

By Association for Young Peoples Health (2013)

A larger proportion of young people are obese now than in the 1970s and 1980s. As a result, adolescent obesity is now a major public health issue. Understanding its prevalence, the health implications, and how to intervene are all critical. This paper presents an overview of the issues, and a useful selection of key, up-to-date findings on adolescent nutrition and obesity. This is the latest in a series of research summaries produced by the Association for Young People’s Health (AYPH) with support from the Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network, PHE.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Well-Being Young People

The good childhood report 2013

By The Children’s Society (2013)

This report says the happiness of children in the UK is in decline, with 15% of young teenagers reporting low wellbeing. This is the second in a series of annual reports to outline what we know about the quality of children’s lives – as rated by children themselves.

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Children Health Promotion Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Nutrition Obesity Young People

The school food plan

By Henry Dimbleby & John Vincent (July 2013)

Almost a fifth of UK children are obese by the time they leave primary school. Good food provision in schools has been shown to lead not only to healthier children, but to improved attainment. This report sets out a plan to transform what children eat at school, and how they learn about food. It includes clear actions for government and for head teachers. The independent school food plan website provides information and resources to support these actions.

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Library Public Mental Health Young People

"Alone with my thoughts" Recommendations for a new approach to young people's mental health support

By Mindfull (2013)

This report has been released to accompany the launch of a free online counselling service for young people. The report is based on a YouGov survey of over 2000 young people which found that over half of those who had shown signs of depression as children felt that they had been let down in their experience of mental health support. It calls for early intervention and prevention as well as increased professional support and advice.

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Community Library Local Government Social Care Teenage Pregnancy Young People

Tackling teenage pregnancy: local government's public health role

By Local Government Association (April 2013)

This briefing for councillors and officers explains the challenges facing councils and the opportunities they have to tackle teenage pregnancy and reduce health inequalities in local communities.

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Children Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Young People

Report of the children and young people's health outcomes forum

By the Children & Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum (2013)

The Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum has today published its proposals on how health-related care for children and young people can be improved.

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Disabilities Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Patient Experience Young People

VIPER: voice, inclusion, participation, empowerment, research

By Participation Works (November 2012)

This report is the result of a three-year long project in which a group of 16 young disabled researchers examined disabled children and young people’s participation and involvement in decision-making and the barriers that prevent them from having a say. The findings provide new evidence that disabled young people are being denied the right to have a say in how local services, such as education, health and leisure are being developed and delivered, and there is still a long way to go to make sure disabled young people can participate meaningfully in strategic and operational decisions about service development.

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