Care of the Elderly Community Dementia Public Mental Health Social Care

Peer support networks and dementia advisers: evaluation

By Department of Health (March 2013)

This report, commissioned by the Department of Health, provides evidence on the importance of post diagnostic support for people with dementia and their carers, and the role that dementia advisers and peer support networks can provide in this.

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Accident Prevention Care of the Elderly Community Safety Health Protection (Emergency planning Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Healthy Settings Licensing Local Government Planning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health seasonal mortality) Secondary Care Social Care Well-Being

Is the quality of care in England getting better?

By the Nuffield Trust (October 2013)

This report, in partnership with the Health Foundation, provides an overview of initial research into the quality of health and social care services in England. The assessment draws on analysis of nearly 150 quality indicators spanning primary care and community services, hospital care, mental health services and social care. These have been evaluated in relation to six domains of care quality: access; safety; effectiveness; person-centred care and experience; capacity; and equity. A longer version of this report will be published later this autumn.

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Library Social Care

Social care jargon buster: 52 of the most commonly used social care words and phrases and what they mean

By Think Local Act Personal (2013)

This glossary is a plain English guide to the most commonly used social care words and phrases and what they mean.

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Healthy Settings Integrated Care Local Government Social Care

In sickness and in health: assessing the transition to a more localist health system – the first step towards marriage between the NHS and local govenment

By Localis (2013)

This report, produced in partnership with Pfizer, assesses the recent move to a more localist health system and examines opinions on this from those in local government. It also takes stock of how councils have adapted to the return of public health to their portfolio, and the dismantling of barriers between health and social care.

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Care of the Elderly Social Care

The 'Dilnot social care gap': making sure it delivers for older people

By Age UK (July 2013)

This report aims to provides a review of what the government’s new lifetime care costs cap will mean for someone who needs support in later life. The analysis shows that the proposed system is complex and may prove difficult for many older people and their families to negotiate. It calls for more clarity and information around costs, eligibility and means test thresholds.

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Library Social Care

Paying for social care: beyond Dilnot

By The King’s Fund (2013)

The government’s commitment to implementing the proposals of the Dilnot Commission has been included in the Care Bill that is now before parliament. This paper considers the planning and funding needed to meet the social care needs of the future and calls for the total quantity of resources to be assessed to ensure that people have access to the right level of support.
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Community Library Local Government Social Care Teenage Pregnancy Young People

Tackling teenage pregnancy: local government's public health role

By Local Government Association (April 2013)

This briefing for councillors and officers explains the challenges facing councils and the opportunities they have to tackle teenage pregnancy and reduce health inequalities in local communities.

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Community Library Social Care

The state of caring 2013

By Carers UK (2013)

This report details the results of a survey of over 3,000 carers across the UK and shows that many are struggling alone without advice or support and are seeing caring taking a toll on their health, family finances and careers as a result. It also highlights five challenges to improve carers’ lives.

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Library Minority Groups Social Care

The barriers to choice review: how are people using choice in public services?

By The Cabinet Office (January 2013)

This review examines whether people use the choices that they have been offered in public services and in particular, how much these choices are used and valued by the disadvantaged. As part of this review, take up of choice in health and social care was investigated.

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Community Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care Social Care

Making integrated out-of-hospital care a reality

By NHS Confederation (2012)

This report discusses the foundations for integrated care for adults, children and young people, with a focus on implementing out of hospital care, and connecting primary, community and social care. It highlights key evidence and draws on learning from partners across health and social care.

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