Integrated Care Library

Does integrated care deliver the benefits expected?

By Rand (2013)

This evaluation of 16 varied pilot projects was initiated by the Department of Health as a means to explore new ways of integrating patient care from different local providers. It concludes that local decision-makers should not underestimate the challenges involved in coordinating care across boundaries, nor lose sight of the needs and preferences of service users.

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Community General Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care Third Sector

Guide to the healthcare system in England

By The NHS Constitution (2013)

This guide explains organisations in the healthcare system and how they work together. The accountability statement explains how decision making works in the NHS and fulfills the commitment set out in principle 7 of the NHS constitution.

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Community Integrated Care Library Local Government

Healthy lives, healthy people: a public health workforce strategy

By Department of Health (2013)

This strategy sets out actions for various partners in the new public health system to support and develop the public health workforce. It will help embed public health capacity within the wider workforce to support delivery of the public health outcomes framework.

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CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library

Guidance for commissioners on ensuring the continuity of health care services

By Monitor (March 2013)

Commissioner requested services are services which local commissioners believe should continue to be provided locally if any individual provider is at risk of failing financially. This framework sets out an end-to-end process that guides commissioners from initiating the work of designating services as commissioner requested services through to deciding which services should be defined as location specific services in the event that a provider fails financially. In addition to this guidance, an interactive toolkit has also been developed to guide commissioners through the framework and to provide a mechanism to record the evidence used and the thinking underlying a decision to designate or not.

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Alcohol Health Promotion Integrated Care Local Government Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Local tobacco control profiles for England

By Public Health England (2013)

The Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England provides a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco related harm, and measures being taken to reduce this harm at a local level. These profiles have been designed to help local government and health services to assess the effect of tobacco use on their local populations. They will inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities.

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Good Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Well-Being

District action on public health: how district councils contribute towards the new health and wellbeing agenda in local government

By District Councils’ Network (2013)

This report explores the district contribution to the new public health system in England. It demonstrates the sector’s impact across the wider determinants of health improvement and health protection, and provides essential information for public health stakeholders including best practice case studies of service delivery and public health collaboration in two-tier areas.

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CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library Local Government Third Sector

Influencing local commissioning for health and care: guidance for the voluntary and community sector

By Regional Voices (January 2013)

This guidance is intended to support the voluntary and community sector in understanding and influencing health and wellbeing boards. It gives an overview of health and wellbeing boards, joint strategic needs assessments and joint health and wellbeing strategies and the role of the voluntary sector.

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Integrated Care Library

Leading networks in healthcare: learning about what works-the theory and the practice

By Health Foundation (January 2013)

In 2011, the Health Foundation launched an improvement programme to support networks in healthcare. It linked selected networks with a faculty of experts, and with each other, to provide an exchange of ideas, advice, support and training in network leadership and development. This report captures the experiences of the programme participants as they began working together; highlights key learning and early insights; and examines how all this relates to what the research evidence tells us about running networks. It also provides an informal overview of the literature on networks and a glossary of commonly used network terms.

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Community Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care Social Care

Making integrated out-of-hospital care a reality

By NHS Confederation (2012)

This report discusses the foundations for integrated care for adults, children and young people, with a focus on implementing out of hospital care, and connecting primary, community and social care. It highlights key evidence and draws on learning from partners across health and social care.

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Community Good Practice Guidance Integrated Care Nutrition Obesity

Obesity: working with local communities

By NICE (2012)

This public health guidance aims to support effective, sustainable and community-wide action to prevent obesity. It sets out how local communities, with the support of local organisations and networks, can achieve this.

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