Healthy Settings Integrated Care Local Government Social Care

In sickness and in health: assessing the transition to a more localist health system – the first step towards marriage between the NHS and local govenment

By Localis (2013)

This report, produced in partnership with Pfizer, assesses the recent move to a more localist health system and examines opinions on this from those in local government. It also takes stock of how councils have adapted to the return of public health to their portfolio, and the dismantling of barriers between health and social care.

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Integrated Care Local Government Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Sexual Health

Sexual health commissioning FAQs

By Local Government Association (2013)

These frequently asked questions (FAQs) have been produced by the Local Government Association (LGA) and Public Health England. They address a number of transitional issues relating to the transfer of responsibility for commissioning sexual health services to local government.

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Alcohol Commissioning Integrated Care Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health Tobacco & Drugs

Making recovery a reality in your community

By Alcohol Concern et al (2013)

This briefing urges commissioners to tackle the poorly integrated support received by those with overlapping needs. It identifies new commissioning arrangements in public health and the NHS as an opportunity to put recovery at the heart of commissioning to build better lives for people with multiple needs. It argues that by focusing on what matters most to people’s lives – a home, a job, family and friends – services can enable people with multiple needs to build better lives on their own terms.

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Integrated Care Public Mental Health Well-Being

The Esteem Team: coordinated care in the Sandwell integrated primary care mental health and wellbeing service

By The King’s Fund (2013)

This case study is part of a research project undertaken by The King’s Fund and funded by Aetna and the Aetna Foundation in the United States to compare five successful UK-based models of care co-ordination. It looks at the Sandwell Esteem Team, part of the Sandwell Integrated Primary Care Mental Health and Wellbeing Service (the Sandwell Wellbeing Hub) in the West Midlands. This hub is a holistic primary and community care-based approach to improving social, mental and physical health and wellbeing in the borough of Sandwell.

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Care of the Elderly Commissioning Integrated Care Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Cost effective commissioning for continence care

By All Party Parliamentary Group For Continence Care (2013)

This guide illustrates the importance of continence care and sets out how to commission and deliver a quality integrated service which meets patient’s needs and is cost-effective to the NHS.

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Commissioning Integrated Care Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners

Integrated car in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales: lessons for England

By The King’s Fund (July 2013)

At a time when policy-makers in England have made a commitment to bring about closer integration of care both within the NHS and between health and social care, what can the health and social care system in England learn from the experiences of the other countries of the United Kingdom?

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CVD Health Promotion Healthy Settings Integrated Care Liver Disease including NHS Health Checks Respiratory Disease

Enabling people to live well: fresh thinking about collaborative approaches to care for people with long-term conditions

By The Health Foundation (2013)

This paper reports the results of a research project which critically analysed the ways that collaborative approaches are currently described; and started to examine what goes on in practice when clinicians and patients work together in ways they appreciate as meaningfully collaborative. It reflect on clinicians’ and patients’ experiences and draw on ideas from development economics and social justice.

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Community Integrated Care Library Local Government Third Sector

Counting the cuts: the impact of spending cuts on the UK voluntary and community sector

By NCVO (2013)

This update to the 2011 report looks at the scale of cuts so far and those still to come. It considers the impact of this on several areas, including the changing commissioning structure of the NHS, and the increased involvement of the private and voluntary sector in the delivery of public services.

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Integrated Care Library Resource Allocation

Improving the allocation of health resources in England: how to decide who gets what

By The King’s Fund (2013)

This paper explores how the health resource allocation process and the formula on which it is based have changed over time, and how it will work from April 2013. It suggests practical improvements to the current system, and explores the ways in which different models of resource allocation can be used to support alternative visions of the NHS including: more clinically led; driven by outcomes; more integrated and provider led; or more integrated with other services through a ‘single budget’.

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Health Promotion Integrated Care Public Mental Health

The NHS mandate and its implication for mental health

By Centre for Mental Health (2013)

This briefing examines what the NHS Mandate means for mental health services and the people who use them. It identifies areas for improvements in mental health services and argues that a stronger focus on mental health support can improve people’s physical health. It also outlines key actions for NHS England and CCGs, including expanding IAPT services, addressing access and waiting times for mental health care and commissioning integrated support for people with co-existing physical and mental health conditions.

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