CCGs Commissioning Local Government Public Mental Health

No health without mental health: guides for local services

By Centre for Mental Health (2012)

A partnership of leading mental health charities has launched a series of briefings to help develop better local mental health services. Following the publication of the implementation framework for the Government’s mental health strategy, these briefings set out the steps that local authorities and NHS commissioning groups can take to improve mental health care, treatment and support. The briefings explain in practical terms the ways that the new local structures and organisations can make sure that there are good quality mental health services in their local area as well as improving mental health and wellbeing for everyone in the community.

Library Local Government

Directors of public health in local government: roles, responsibilities and context

By Department of Health (2012)

This document provides key information about the role of the director of public health in the new public health system which describes both the statutory and non-statutory elements of the role.

Click here to view this guidance

Local Government Public Mental Health Well-Being

Recovery, public mental health and wellbeing

By Centre for Mental Health (2012)

This paper argues that local councils and the new health and wellbeing boards can support the commissioning of recovery-oriented services, as well as promoting good mental health and wellbeing in communities. It outlines the ways in which health and wellbeing boards can influence commissioning to promote and protect mental wellbeing and support recovery.

Click here to view this briefing

Child Protection Healthy Settings Local Government Young People

Intelligent procurement of placements for looked after young people caught up in gang culture: Lewisham Borough Council

By Ofsted (October 2012)

This good practice report describes how Lewisham Council and its partners build upon existing, strong placement and procurement practice to make ‘intelligent’ use of available knowledge and information on individual young people and the placements available to them. Young people are offered placements in a safe and appropriate environment, where their needs are suitably met and their connections to the gang culture can be challenged and severed.

Click here to view this good practice



CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library Local Government Social Care Well-Being

Improving the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabiltites: an evidence-based commissioning guide for clinical commissioning groups

By Improving Health & Lives: Learning Disabilities Observatory (2012)

The guide is intended to help CCGs commission high quality, cost effective general and specialist health services for people with learning disabilities; jointly commission services for people who challenge services and those with complex needs; and work with health and wellbeing boards, local authorities and others to address the social factors which affect the health of people with learning disabilities.

Click here to view this guide

Community Library Local Government

Local public health intelligence

By Department of Health  (September 2012)

The factsheets set out the health intelligence requirements for local authorities and the actions local areas may wish to take to support their new public health duties from an information and intelligence perspective, including addressing IT and information governance architecture issues.

Click here to view these factsheets

Community General Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care

Guide to new health and care system

By Department of Health (2012)

This page provides a brief introduction to the statutory bodies making up the new health and care system, explaining how they will work together in the interests of patients and communities.

Click here to view this page

Library Local Government

Stronger together: a UNISON guide to influencing the new NHS

By UNISON (2012)

This guide offers help and advice on working within the new NHS structure to influence key decisions about cuts or privatisation. It shows where there are opportunities for UNISON members and members of the public to get involved in foundation trusts at a number of different levels, how some of the work of clinical commissioning groups might be influenced, and how the role of local authorities in the NHS can be shaped, both by citizens and by councillors.

Click here to view this guide

Library Local Government Third Sector

Catalyst councils: a new future for local public service delivery

By Localis (2012)

This report found that more than a third of council leaders and chief executives think that there are no local services that could not delivered by a 3rd party – whether a private or voluntary sector provider. It looks at alternative models of local public service delivery and highlights current examples which are being developed and implemented.

Click here to view this report

Library Local Government Social Care

Supporting the North West on personal budgets: a report from In Control

By In Control (2012)

As part of a project looking at the implementation of personal budgets in the north west of England, three key areas which require further development were highlighted: minimum process; managed personal budgets; and workforce. This paper summarises the challenges faced in these areas, highlights good practice taking place and makes recommendations for improvement for individual councils and for the region as a whole.

Click here to view this report