Alcohol Health Promotion Integrated Care Local Government Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Local tobacco control profiles for England

By Public Health England (2013)

The Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England provides a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco related harm, and measures being taken to reduce this harm at a local level. These profiles have been designed to help local government and health services to assess the effect of tobacco use on their local populations. They will inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities.

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Good Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Well-Being

District action on public health: how district councils contribute towards the new health and wellbeing agenda in local government

By District Councils’ Network (2013)

This report explores the district contribution to the new public health system in England. It demonstrates the sector’s impact across the wider determinants of health improvement and health protection, and provides essential information for public health stakeholders including best practice case studies of service delivery and public health collaboration in two-tier areas.

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CCGs Commissioning Integrated Care Library Local Government Third Sector

Influencing local commissioning for health and care: guidance for the voluntary and community sector

By Regional Voices (January 2013)

This guidance is intended to support the voluntary and community sector in understanding and influencing health and wellbeing boards. It gives an overview of health and wellbeing boards, joint strategic needs assessments and joint health and wellbeing strategies and the role of the voluntary sector.

Click here to view this guidance

Alcohol Illegal Drugs Local Government Substance Misuse Tobacco & Drugs

Tackling drugs and alcohol: local government's new public health role

By Local Government Association (January 2013)

This briefing for councillors and officers explains the challenges facing councils and the opportunities they have to tackle drug and alcohol problems and reduce health inequalities in local communities.

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Community Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care Social Care

Making integrated out-of-hospital care a reality

By NHS Confederation (2012)

This report discusses the foundations for integrated care for adults, children and young people, with a focus on implementing out of hospital care, and connecting primary, community and social care. It highlights key evidence and draws on learning from partners across health and social care.

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Community Integrated Care Local Government Patient Safety Public Mental Health Secondary Care

The abandoned illness: a report by the Schizophrenia Commission

By The Schizophrenia Commission (November 2012)

This report is the result of a year-long inquiry into the delivery of care for patients affected by schizophrenia and psychosis. Recommendations include: a radical overhaul of poor acute care units, including better use of alternatives to manage the transition between hospital and community services; greater partnership and shared decision making with service users; extending general practitioner training in mental illness to improve support for those with psychosis managed through primary care; extending the ‘Early Intervention for Psychosis’ services rather than cutting or diluting them; action to address inequalities and meet the needs of disadvantaged groups; and greater use of personal budgets, particularly for those with long-term care needs.

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Alcohol Local Government Tobacco & Drugs

Local government public health briefings: alcohol

By NICE (October 2012)

This briefing summarises NICE’s recommendations for local authorities and their partner organisations on how to reduce the harm caused by alcohol. It supports local government in its public health role, including its leadership of health and wellbeing boards. The briefing also supports local authorities in their duty to commission alcohol misuse prevention and treatment interventions.

Click here to view this briefing

Integrated Care Library Local Government

Government and the voluntary sector: investigating funding and engagement

By Compact Voice (October 2012)

This report details the responses of Freedom of Information requests from 14 government departments. The requests aimed to determine the way government is supporting the voluntary sector by looking at levels and changes to funding, and also engagement through consultation and impact assessment. However, the responses suggest that there are no systems in place to enable government departments to collect and compare this information.

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Child Protection Community Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Local Government Safeguarding Third Sector Well-Being

Protecting people promoting health: a public health approach to violence prevention for England

By Department of Health (2012)

This report presents new figures on the cost of violence, estimating national costs to the NHS and a wider cost to society, in order to provide information and evidence for policy makers and commissioners to use in developing preventative approaches with strategic partners. It aims to increase awareness and strengthen commitment to prevention across government, NHS, local authorities, private and voluntary sectors as well as education, employers and other agencies.

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Commissioning Community Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care Third Sector

Open public services: experiences from the voluntary sector

By The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (2012)

This report published by NCVO and 14 partner organisations, highlights examples of innovation in practice where the voluntary sector has worked in new ways with statutory authorities to develop specialist services. It argues that there needs to be greater openness and flexibility in commissioning services to capitalise on the contribution from charities. It also highlights new opportunities emerging from social investment and open data which could ease contract risks and make services more accountable to their users if adopted. It is aimed at those involved in improving services: government; local authorities; voluntary organisations; and social investors.

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