Francis Inquiry Healthy Settings Library Local Government Patient Experience

Safety, quality, trust: briefing for council scrutiny about Francis Report

By Centre for Public Scrutiny (September 2013)

This briefing is about how council scrutiny can support improvements in quality and patient experience and help the local NHS put patients first. Robert Francis had clear messages about council scrutiny and this briefing suggests some first steps for council scrutiny to consider in responding and improving scrutiny practice and outcomes in relation to holding the NHS to account.

Click here to view this briefing

Community Good Practice Health Promotion Healthy Settings Integrated Care Local Government Well-Being

Health 2020: a European policy framework and strategy for the 21st Century

By WHO (2013)

Health 2020 is a value- and evidence-based health policy framework for health and well-being among the people of the WHO European Region. Health 2020 focuses on improving health for all and reducing health inequalities, through improved leadership and governance for health. It focuses on today’s major health problems. It identifies four priority areas for policy action and is innovative in terms of responses across all levels and sectors of government and society, emphasizing developing assets and resilience within communities, empowerment and creating supportive environments. It details the strengthened roles of public health services and the health system.

Click here to view this policy framework

Healthy Settings Integrated Care Local Government Social Care

In sickness and in health: assessing the transition to a more localist health system – the first step towards marriage between the NHS and local govenment

By Localis (2013)

This report, produced in partnership with Pfizer, assesses the recent move to a more localist health system and examines opinions on this from those in local government. It also takes stock of how councils have adapted to the return of public health to their portfolio, and the dismantling of barriers between health and social care.

Click here to view this report

Integrated Care Local Government Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Sexual Health

Sexual health commissioning FAQs

By Local Government Association (2013)

These frequently asked questions (FAQs) have been produced by the Local Government Association (LGA) and Public Health England. They address a number of transitional issues relating to the transfer of responsibility for commissioning sexual health services to local government.

Click here to view these FAQs

Local Government Public Mental Health

Building resilient communities: making every contact count for public mental health

By Mental Health Foundation (2013)

This report calls on every council to prioritise mental health within their public health strategy. It brings together the evidence base and people’s experiences about what makes resilient people and communities. It offers practical steps to help teams design wellbeing and resilience services aimed at preventing the development of mental health problems, and to measure their impact.

Click here to view this report

Commissioning Local Government Sexual Health

A framework for sexual health improvement in England

By Department of Health (March 2013)

This document:

  • aims to provide the information, evidence base and support tools to enable those involved in sexual health improvement to work together effectively
  • should ensure that accessible high quality services and support are available to everyone

From April 2013, local authorities will commission most sexual health services, but Clinical Commissioning Groups and the NHS Commissioning Board will also have a role. Support will be provided to these bodies by Public Health England.

Click here to view this document

Community Integrated Care Library Local Government Third Sector

Counting the cuts: the impact of spending cuts on the UK voluntary and community sector

By NCVO (2013)

This update to the 2011 report looks at the scale of cuts so far and those still to come. It considers the impact of this on several areas, including the changing commissioning structure of the NHS, and the increased involvement of the private and voluntary sector in the delivery of public services.

Click here to view this report

Community General Practice Integrated Care Library Local Government Secondary Care Third Sector

Guide to the healthcare system in England

By The NHS Constitution (2013)

This guide explains organisations in the healthcare system and how they work together. The accountability statement explains how decision making works in the NHS and fulfills the commitment set out in principle 7 of the NHS constitution.

Click here to view this guide

Community Integrated Care Library Local Government

Healthy lives, healthy people: a public health workforce strategy

By Department of Health (2013)

This strategy sets out actions for various partners in the new public health system to support and develop the public health workforce. It will help embed public health capacity within the wider workforce to support delivery of the public health outcomes framework.

Click here to view this strategy

Community Library Local Government Social Care Teenage Pregnancy Young People

Tackling teenage pregnancy: local government's public health role

By Local Government Association (April 2013)

This briefing for councillors and officers explains the challenges facing councils and the opportunities they have to tackle teenage pregnancy and reduce health inequalities in local communities.

Click here to view this briefing