Children CYP Healthcare Healthy Child including NCMP & CDO Infant Mortality Public Mental Health

Healthy young minds, healthy communities conference

By Royal Society for Public Health (June 2013)

This is a report of an event held jointly by RSPH and the Institute of Health Visiting which was designed to explore the extraordinarily close links between early experiences, both in the womb and as a young infant, and the health of the community and public. It mentions the topics covered by the conference, including identifying the evidence base for the impact of early experience during pregnancy and the first two years in infants and young children, the implications of the evidence for health visiting practice and the public mental health implications of the evidence for policy makers.

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Primary Care Commissioning Public Health Advice to NHS Commissioners Public Mental Health

Support for commissioning for self-harm

By NICE (June 2013)

This guide encourages commissioners to work with clinicians and managers to commission high-quality evidence-based care for people who self-harm.

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Care of the Elderly Learning Disabilities Public Mental Health

Getting on? growing older with autism: a policy report

By The National Autistic Society (2013)

This report sets out some of the key issues facing older people with autism and what government and other bodies need to do to make sure they have the services and support they need.

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Library Public Mental Health Young People

"Alone with my thoughts" Recommendations for a new approach to young people's mental health support

By Mindfull (2013)

This report has been released to accompany the launch of a free online counselling service for young people. The report is based on a YouGov survey of over 2000 young people which found that over half of those who had shown signs of depression as children felt that they had been let down in their experience of mental health support. It calls for early intervention and prevention as well as increased professional support and advice.

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Public Mental Health

Mental health in the NHS: a simplified map

By Centre for Mental Health (April 2013)

This chart illustrates changes to mental health services in the new NHS structure.

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Health Promotion Integrated Care Public Mental Health

The NHS mandate and its implication for mental health

By Centre for Mental Health (2013)

This briefing examines what the NHS Mandate means for mental health services and the people who use them. It identifies areas for improvements in mental health services and argues that a stronger focus on mental health support can improve people’s physical health. It also outlines key actions for NHS England and CCGs, including expanding IAPT services, addressing access and waiting times for mental health care and commissioning integrated support for people with co-existing physical and mental health conditions.

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Alcohol Public Mental Health Smoking Tobacco & Drugs

Smoking and mental health

By the Royal College of Physicians (2013)

This report argues that smoking in people with mental health conditions is neglected by the NHS. It reveals that much of the substantially lower life expectancy of people with mental disorders relates to smoking, which is often overlooked during the management and treatment of their mental health condition. It makes recommendations for all mental health services to become smoke-free areas and for increased smoking cessation support for people with mental disorders.

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Public Mental Health

Working with schizophrenia: pathways to employment, recovery and inclusion

By The Work Foundation (February 2013)

This report examines the impact of schizophrenia on an individual’s ability to enter or remain in the labour market, outlining how such barriers can be addressed by policymakers, employers, and healthcare professionals as well as those with the condition and their carers. 

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Public Mental Health Social Media

E-mental health: what's all the fuss about?

By Mental Health Network NHS Confederation (January 2013)

This paper looks at how the mental health sector could make the most of opportunities offered by e-mental health. It also gives examples of how service users, mental health providers and other organisations are already embracing e-mental health to bring about change.

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Good Practice Learning Disabilities Minority Groups Patient Experience Patient Safety Public Mental Health Safeguarding Social Care

Government published final report on Winterbourne View Hospital

By Department of Health (2012)

The final report into the events at Winterbourne View Hospital states that staff routinely mistreated and abused patients, and management allowed a culture of abuse to flourish. The warning signs were not picked up, and concerns raised by a whistleblower went unheeded. The report also reveals weaknesses in the system’s ability to hold the leaders of care organisations to account. In addition, it finds that many people are in hospital who don’t need to be. People with learning disabilities or autism, who also have mental health conditions or challenging behaviour can be, and have a right to be, given the support and care they need in the community, near to family and friends.

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