Finance Public Mental Health Social Care

London mental health: the invisible costs of mental ill health

By Greater London Authority (2014)

The report investigates the scope and scale of mental ill health in London, to highlight the wider impacts beyond those to health and social care. These wider impacts result in around £26 billion each year in total economic and social costs to London and impact every facet of the community.

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Care of the Elderly Dementia Guidance Public Mental Health

The triangle of care: carers included: a guide to best practice for dementia care

By Royal College of Nursing (2014)

The triangle of care is a model for dementia care that supports a partnership approach between the person with dementia (the patient), the staff member and carer. It is designed to ensure that carers are appropriately included and involved in the care of people with dementia, particularly in hospital settings.

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Public Mental Health

North West mental wellbeing survey 2012/13

By Public Health England (2013)

In 2009, in response to the growing need to improve the population’s mental wellbeing and understand more about the positive mental wellbeing of people in the region, the former North West Public Health Observatory (NWPHO)ii was commissioned to undertake the first North West Mental Wellbeing Survey.
The results from this survey provided a baseline measure of the region’s mental health and wellbeing, as well as a description of the factors that influence wellbeing. The baseline enabled the ongoing measurement of average mental wellbeing in the population over time and provided evidence for the commissioning and evaluation of local interventions and services. Since the first survey there has been an increase in the measurement of mental wellbeing outcomes locally. The survey has supported local joint strategic needs assessments (JSNA) and commissioning of interventions to improve mental wellbeing. In 2012/13, a repeat of the survey was commissioned to provide updated local and regional data, and to allow comparison with the 2009 baseline. Some new questions were also included to gain further insight into current mental health and wellbeing across the region. In this report we present some of the key results from the 2012/13 survey along with a comparison with the 2009 results (where possible).

Click here to view the results of this survey

Learning Disabilities Patient Satisfaction Public Mental Health Social Care

Autism – Quality Standard

By NICE (2014)

The provision of services for people with autism is varied across England and this quality standard is designed to standardise and improve the care and management of autism. It covers autism in children, young people and adults, including both health and social care services.

Click here to view this standard

Care of the Elderly Dementia Good Practice Public Mental Health

Dementia friendly Yorkshire: first steps on the journey

By Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2014)

This collection contains 20 examples of inspiring grassroots dementia-friendly projects transforming communities across Yorkshire. These projects are taking place in shops, churches, mosques, gurdwaras, legal services and cafes, and in public services such as transport, museums, hospitals, trading standards, schools, libraries, and sports centres. Local ‘champions’ are behind most of this work, and show how we can each play our role in making our own community or organisation a welcoming and supportive place for people with dementia.

Click here to view these examples

Guidance Public Mental Health

Closing the gap: priorities for essential change in mental health

By Department of Health (2014)

The document sets out 25 priorities for change. It details how changes in local service planning and delivery will make a difference to the lives of people with mental health problems in the next 2 or 3 years. It supports the government’s mental health strategy No Health without Mental Health.

Click here to view this guidance

Public Mental Health

Statistical update on suicide

By Department of Health (2014)

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Patient Safety Public Mental Health Safeguarding

Preventing suicide in England: one year on

By HM Government (2014)

This report summarises the developments on the suicide prevention strategy for England at national level. It identifies key research studies and their findings, and is accompanied by a report of statistical information on suicides. It sets out the key actions that local areas can take to prevent suicides and also highlights the importance of responsive and high quality care for people who self-harm.

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Public Mental Health Safeguarding Social Care

Monitoring the use of the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in 2012/13

By Care Quality Commission (2014)

This report into how the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards have been applied during 2012/13 cites concern that the MCA is not understood and implemented consistently across health and social care services. It announces that checks on implementation of the MCA will become a routine part of hospital and care home inspection. It also recommends that NHS England should include an expectation on the effective use of the DoLS into the standard contract for providers.

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Care of the Elderly Dementia Public Mental Health

Dementia: a state of the nation report on dementia care and support in England

By Department of Health (2013)

This Dementia report, with its accompanying map of variation, available at, shines a light on the quality of dementia care in England. The very best services are excellent and show what is possible. But the worst show that we still have some way to go. The message is clear: we can and must do better.

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